
Still obsessing about the sex lives of strangers, and one around the age of your imaginary kids no less.

What’s clear is that you are a liar, and have proven this many times over.

My not believing something based on my extensive experience is a pretty common practice actual human beings engage in, we typically call this applied learning. The fact that you have doubled down on your specious claims while offering nothing but middle school level insults pretty clearly shows you are lying. But

Again with the projection. I literally exposed all of your lies in my earlier response. You want me to cut and paste all of it just to be extra repetitive?

You have a real talent for projecting your issues onto others.

Angry, uninformed SJW proves to be a liar yet again. Funny how your lies just keep on multiplying.

That may be the funniest use for a Tesla ever!

Low bar.

Anyone clock what color dragon was at the beginning?

The only thing funnier than your armchair psychology is your pretension to being either good or decent.

I seriously doubt you are an immigrant or ESL. Most immigrants I have met are very sensitive about their fluency and would not imply someone is ESL as an insult for largely the same reasons a gay person does not imply being gay is an insult.

You have been pretending you have somehow divined my entire life from basically nothing for quite some time now, projecting your own inadequacies, insecurities and faults on to me, all the while trying to give yourself the illusion of the high ground as if something you have said or done makes you the better person

Yeah keep up the armchair psychologist routine. So far you have claimed to know my age, sexual history and now my level of human interaction.

Pathetic, paternalistic SJW still trying to claim any kind of maturity or superiority. Laughable.

Ah, childish paternalism. Really shows what a grown up you are. At least it’s a step up from your disturbed obsession about my sex life. And presumably the sex lives of pretty much everyone else.

Angry, incompetent SJW is trying to spin his pathetically paternalistic nonesense. You have been talking to me like I am your child for a good amount of time, own up to it, or just continue to pathetically deny the facts.

No, that’s the stench of your failure and incompetence, sir smelt it.

Look, this whiny, deranged SJW is talking to an imagined audience like the legend in his own mind he is.

Try actually reading your comments and my replies, clown. I mean, you apparently can’t be bothered to proofread your own posts so I suppose asking you to read mine before responding might be asking a bit much, but dig deep.

That is the main draw for this series, moral ambiguity.