David Cotter

Girl I hung out with for awhile, in her drunken stupor, says “my dad has a Ferrari!” Next time I see him, he says he doesn’t understand why I’m so interested in such a dumb car. We walk out to the apartment carport and he takes the cover off of his Mondial. “Oh.” I think I was more excited to see the Boxster owned by

Bingo. Installed a lift kit on a 2012 JK in the summer of ‘15. Exhaust flanges had to be released with a torch. The same day, my 1998 Frontier got a flatbed and new muffler, with zero sheared or troublesome bolts.

I went through THREE sets of wiper blades, TWO sets of wiper arms, and a wiper transmission one winter because my wipers would sometimes cycle as soon as I turn my car on, despite being turned off even when I shut my car off the night before.

Those of us who’ve been following LH for the last decade are used to Lifehacker going hand-in-hand with Gizmodo. I have to say, Eric, that without content like this (tech stuff) I wouldn’t even read LH anymore. Keep up the good work, man.

I love the colored Mountain Dew bottles outside of the states. My sister brought me back one from Romania.

It’s all the truck a normal person will ever need, because telling them that it’s a unibody, transverse-engine, AWD-but-only-mostly-FWD-unless-you-suck-at-driving won’t make it any less of a truck to them.

If you don’t have any cargo, that donut is going on the rear of the truck. It’s front wheel drive.

Maybe add a voltmeter in-line to make sure some terrorist isn’t trying to pump 120V into your phone.. trust nobody!

Recirculation pulls air from the top vents. That’s why you can’t recirculate and defrost simultaneously.

At least defog and recirc don’t work together on any car I’ve driven

Sorry if it’s already been mentioned. 100% of cars I’ve driven won’t let you recirculate if you’re routing air through the top vents anyways. The light may come on, but that doesn’t mean it’s doing what you think it is.

I kept waiting for the guy in gray to push the guy in red off of the wall.

See, I don’t get it. The aero piece doesn’t require special tools on any applications I’ve seen them, and even on the 2010 Taurus I had, they were 1/4 turn thumb-screws. The only mistake I’ve ever seen is the aero piece not being slid into its ‘alignment guide’ toward the front.

The same 5.7L was advertised two years prior as having more than 200HP if I remember correctly. HP measurements went from gross to net in ‘72. Then you throw in emissions, unleaded fuel, and other factors, and engines of that era actually did start to suck.

Best tools I have at work are Wiha/Wera. There might be better out there, but I’ve never had a problem with either of them so I don’t switch.

$600... I bought a 1998 Nissan Frontier 4WD for $600 last year. One of the coolant lines rusted out while I was wheeling and the engine overheated for quite awhile. Then I beefed up the suspension and tires, forcing me to trim fenders (and consequently removed fender liners). The air cleaner atop the intake manifold

I worked at an IT firm in a small regional area of the midwest, of course we had service agreements with certain clients, and the rest of the service calls were mostly still loyal customers and come-and-go clients. When I started, I knew I’d be doing support and sales, in the field and at the desk (we ran a Geek

When your phone displays “4G” and/or “LTE” in the corner, that means you’ve connected to a network running on that standard.

Depends on what they mean by ‘tracing’.