
If you throw it away, it makes it more likely someone will find part of it and ask after the owner. If you keep it hidden in the basement, at worst, someone will find it and be eaten.

I don't know. Robots love pianos. Some robots are pianos.

That makes way more sense. My interpretation had just been that he'd massively misunderstood her motivations for teaming up with Quill

Before the end, I thought the episode coldly murdering a half dozen personable guest-stars was very, very RTD, and that's not my favorite thing about his era.

It's not the sort of thing you advertise. "I know we're having fun adventures in time and space, but you should know it's actually really dangerous. A few of my friends have died before, and more probably would've if I hadn't taken on the really dangerous bits. I've actually died thirteen times doing this, and only

On a podcast last week, I heard a theory for the season I loved which was completely disproven by the end of this episode, so what the hell.

On the other hand, the writing refers to Poovey as “Pam,” so I’m starting to doubt how strictly monitored and canonical Archer P.I. might be.

The way I see it, there are two kinds of villains in the world; the kind who can stop themselves, and the kind who need to be stopped. It's possible he was scared straight, or that they could even live with a balance-of-power thing where she stays in Seoul to make sure he doesn't step out of line, but the fact that he

I just prayed the wouldn't got with Skye/Ward. It was Dee/Apollo-levels of writers smushing action figures together without asking if the actors actually had chemistry, first.

Probably some Total Perspective Vortex BS. The Darkhold has the knowledge of how to extrapolate the entire state of the world from any small piece of it, and that's how the Framework was built. There's a stale cupcake somewhere in that oil platform that's the foundation of an entire world.

He didn't quite seem crazy enough to have completely invented the idea of mandatory blue Hydra soap. Have we seen anyone washing their hands? I know we've seen sinks, but I didn't pay attention to the soaps.

Yay, movie advertising tie-ins.

That… makes a lot of sense.

Did anyone notice that Coulson was back to doing the "Previously…" narration after the last few weeks of having Daisy as the de-facto heroic lead of the show?

You know, I remember when we got stock villain lines from our elected officials once or twice a year instead of once or twice a week. Who can forget Lex Luthor crowing "Bring 'em on!" or Brother Cavil sarcastically mocking the Cylons for expecting to be greeted as liberators? Now, pop culture can barely keep up with

It was a little frustrating. Yesterday or the day before, I saw an article like, "Surprise return rumored for Agents of SHIELD finale!" and I was strong and didn't click, and then Marvel and the show accounts just started spamming social media with it. I guess they figured the cat was out of the bag and it was no use

There's a decent chance Mack might've changed his mind once he woke up. On the other hand, there was also the biggest chance that he wouldn't.

I'm thinking Radcliffe always intended to betray Fitz and shove him through the stargate. We already know he didn't want immortality for himself nearly as much as he wanted it for Agnes. Aida probably would've know that was the winning offer, but Fitz didn't run his plan by her.

Right after handing off the crooks, when Maggie was first telling her she had the situation under control. Kara responds with something like, "And I carried you over the finish line, *sotto voce* and just in time for dinner. I'll see you later."

In the first interrogation scene with the dad, they mention he had two counts of "felony murder," a fun variant of manslaughter where you can be charged as a murderer if the victim died because you were committing a crime, even if you weren't actually intending to kill anyone. So if, say, he hit another car while he