
Thanks. I mainly work in CG, so my nuts-and-bolts experience with live-action cinematography is limited.

I wonder if the focus-puller was sick this week or something. There was some weird depth-of-field in this episode. The shots over Avasarala's shoulder in her office of Errinwright and Cotyar seemed to be focused about two inches in front of their noses, and when Bobbie emerged from the tunnel on to the beach, her

Too bad I didn't get to work for people who were okay with Failure.

At first I thought he was shooting the cans, and the rangefinder was so the gun could somehow adjust to make sure the bullet would stop or disintegrate or something before it got to the hull. Which is probably still what it's for, but at least Alex wasn't as drunk/bored as I thought.

Action Comics #289, “Superman’s Super-Courtship” is the story I'm referencing. Superman says to Supergirl, emphasis his, “If I ever did marry, it would be to some one super and lovable like… you! We can’t marry because we’re cousins! Though cousins can marry in certain countries here on Earth… we’re both from the

I was thinking of the weird, infamous caveat about how, while some places on Earth would allow them to marry, they were still bound by Kryptonian law, despite their wishes.

I think blaming Kryptonians for their planet exploding and all of them being dead is a bit self-centered. The Daxamite catastrophe is real, but the way the ones who aren't Mon-El are acting is a bit, "Oh my God, this man has been shot! Call a dry cleaner immediately, some of his blood got on my shirt! What's he

I'm surprised they still haven't made a "no relation" joke, yet (unless I've forgotten it). Maybe Clark can bring it up. We know from the Silver Age that he has a bug up his ass about cousin-marriage laws on Krypton.

After I found out how eating and drinking work on sets, I honestly don't understand how any writer is cruel enough to show characters eating, never mind making it a running gag like on Supergirl. All that food's got to be even worse than the room temperature tea they use in place of whiskey.

Maybe "gossip" is the wrong word. I meant more that it'd be making aspects of their relationship less private than they could be if their rooms shared a wall. The kids would notice when they were and weren't spending much time together, which could cause speculation or stress. While they'd have perfectly valid reasons

Sure, but how do they get there without leaving themselves exposed?

I expect the Bendu is now more powerful than I can possibly imagine, assuming he wasn't already.

Additionally, the obvious counterpoint is the same as the obvious nitpick: "It's space." There's no cover. If you head in a direction other than "directly towards the blockade," all you're doing is giving the Empire more time to shoot you down.

Still, building on a point that I raised last week about cabin arrangements, why do they have separate rooms? I suppose Kanan probably wants a private area for meditation and to store all his dangerous Jedi shit, and we don't actually see them sleeping that often, so it's entirely possible they bunk together at least

The Bendu's commitment to impartiality reminds me a little of the Marathon computer games, which included an ancient computer nicknamed Thoth, due to its commitment to balance. It would always help the underdog during a fight, then would switch as soon as there was a reversal of fortune. http://marathon.bungie.org/…

More than we did as the rendezvous point in the Mon Mothma episode a few weeks ago, at least. On the other hand, we're also getting to the point where if they go there, they won't have time to leave the base "deserted for some time."

There was actually a tie-in CD-ROM interactive documentary thing that was like that. It was, IIRC, divided into three sections, the background and construction of the ship, the voyage and sinking, and the aftermath, investigations, and discovery of the wreck. The middle section was, essentially, all of the straight

A hundred years to a blue ocean on Mars, they said? I give it a hundred thirty before you see a MarsDonald's wrapper in the surf every time you go to the beach.

I just remembered something I noticed at the beginning of the episode: If Sabine has left the ship, why are Ezra and Zeb still sharing a room? Are they just leaving her cabin as she left it in case she decides to come back? Does Ezra like the snoring?

Fun fact: Since Ezra, Luke, and Leia are all almost exactly the same age (Ezra's a few days older), the Luke we saw in the distance was the current Ezra character model in silhouette. I guess that's what growing up in comparative innocence will get you; needless running in your mid-teens.