
Not even waiting for the west coast, never mind the time-shifters. I mean, if I'd really thought about it, there was only one way this could end, but I was intentionally not thinking about it.

When I was first writing it up, I was actually going to put my first assumption, which had been that it was Jupiter and it's moons, but when I was looking closer, I realized there were two gas planets, so it had to be the system as a whole.

I'd heard people talking about "Prax" coming up excitedly, and having seen the episode, I think he could fill a Miller-shaped hole in my heart. Not that they're very similar, but they're different enough from the Rossie crew, who somehow feel like they can only barely carry the show by themselves. Maybe because there

But they could bring back TSCC, right?

That map is fucking nuts. Breaks my damn heart that in five years or so, you won't be able to pull it up anymore. Just this weekend I was trying to dig up some stuff from the SyFy (or Sci-Fi, at the time) BSG website where they had 360° photos of several of the sets. I had the foresight to download some, but I didn't

And that answers my question. Though, as a kid, I assumed Kimberly wore a skirt because she was the girly-girl.

I'm trying to figure out if the most delightfully surreal moment was the apparent zip-fly on Imperial flight suits (shouldn't they have plumbing, being spacesuits and all), or Chopper using a gun. Well, two guns.

Poe seemed fairly convinced that BB-8 was the only orange-and-white BB unit in the galaxy. Personally, I've always wondered how they don't run out of letters for their fairly short names, especially since the "R2" part is the model. Are there really only… 36 times 36… 1,300 R2-series droids in the galaxy, from R2-00

To be fair, the place where you poop has such a wildly diverse array of euphemisms in the real world, it's not one of the weirder terms to sci-fi-ify. Like, I don't get why every science fiction story is so afraid of the word "movie."

Wedge was dubbed in ANH and ESB. RotJ was the only time they used his real voice. Additionally, Wedge was played by another guy in the briefing scene in ANH, so I honestly think the dubber, David Ankrum, probably has a better claim to being "Wedge" than Lawson does. Plus, Ankrum had an auditory cameo as Wedge in Rogue

That's right. I should've realized it was weird. It's probably meant to show that the terraforming of Mars is coming along. Maybe those towers they added to the on-the-ground shots are some kind of magnetic projectors.

That's weird. I'm watching the iTunes version, which I'd expect to be the least-trimmed (iTunes does get profanity, except for the premiere). Now I'm curious how many subtly different cuts there are of the show.

This was the first time we saw the full opening titles since season one (assuming they weren't part of the combined two-hour version of the premiere), and I noticed a few changes (aside from the names), so I did a comparison:

No shit? I figured all the pilot footage aside from the "cameos" was newly shot. Just a month until the Blu Ray comes out and I can start frame-by-framing it properly.

I also thought pushing down to deflect it rather than just trying to brake it head-on would've been the smarter move.

I can hardly even recognize him now that he's all skinny.

I feel like that line was also used in the '90s animated series. I wouldn't be surprised if it dates back to the Byrne reboot in the '80s, just like the airplane-crash debut thing.

Ironic that in the final cut (well, the original final cut) Biggs is probably the least fleshed out of the featured ANH pilots. Adywan's fan-edit does help close the circle in that regard; in addition to including the scene where Biggs and Luke run into each other in the hangar, he also added in Luke desperately

It was a neat trick, too. They had the start of the line be archival footage (and the original dialogue), then cut to an exterior halfway through the line once he started saying different stuff. ADR the whole thing in one go, and you get seamless audio that may as well have been recorded on the shooting day without