Jacques-Louis Douchebag

oh so she's a troll

Humanity is a strange and frightening race.

Seems like one of the worst work environments you could have, tbh.

I have, but I thank you for reminding me of it.

It is superb. A movie among movies. Welles knew what a useful school it was.

Something to do with him grabbing Steph's knee.

My mother is consumed by a fierce irrational hatred of Kevin Durant and is thus angry he's on our team. Classic Mom!

I'm tempted to get a copy myself.

Have fun in your safe European home!

They're too tiny to matter right now.

Probably a safe guess in this case, really.

That's an indirect reference at best! But I thought of the same moment.

Is it in general a good show? It sounds entertaining and the premise of the comics sounds intriguing even if I didn't read them.

It will depend upon divine mercy or favor, not the prognostications of a mortal like myself.

You have sinned against the Lord of Truth, my friend.

Ben Affeck has a lot of bad qualities, but you can't say he's not a colorful commentator.

*Upon being captured at Stalingrad* We thought we would be greeted as liberators!

Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang
Sollen in der Welt behalten
Ihren alten schönen Klang,
Uns zu edler Tat begeistern
Unser ganzes Leben lang

Yeah, the EU isn't even a country in the sense the United Kingdom is, much less the United States. The US would have to go utterly to shit for such a thing to happen. Which it certainly could.

I mean, not imminently. In 20 or so years? Who the hell knows? I doubt it would be settled without serious violence, though. They'd be going against the accepted constitutional order that was written in blood in the nineteenth century.