Jacques-Louis Douchebag


Not only that, but his Jewish son-in-law is supposed to be a major player within his campaign.

To be honest I have a hard time seeing this as a deliberate dog whistle, even though I'm sure his Neo-Nazi fanbase would love to latch onto it. Just because a Star of David is a hexagram that doesn't therefore make every hexagram a Star of David.

There's all too many. Hordes.

I thought some things like the dolphins leading her to the dead whale, and the way they slowly built up the seagull's importance gave the whole thing a vaguely dreamy and allegorical impression that reminded me weirdly of the use of animals in the Witch.

I found many aspects of the film impressively artful and evocative, even if there was an overall silliness it couldn't shake.

Facebook is really, really powerful in terms of media links and such. Maybe as much as Google.

I think I speak for everyone when I say none of us want to see that evidence. *shudders*

I imagine there was a sort of gap between the writers room and whoever handles sounds/death choreography or whatever.

I barely use Facebook so it has little relevance to me, but if it's as important a traffic source as it seems to be, it should have at least as much clout as the other two.

I think Zuckerberg is the reigning dark lord at this point.

*Jay-Z's distinctive laughter*

Yeah, I'm just teasing. I'm sure it compares favorably to many other games in that regard.

I'm stunned that a product of contemporary gaming culture, especially in a franchise with the reputation Tomb Raider has, could be considered problematic in its representation of women.

I still have it.

Merry happy!


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I should check this out.

Veni, veni, venias,
Ne me mori facias.