Jacques-Louis Douchebag


Victory to the meek! We shall inherit the earth.

I wanted to undercut potential criticism because I'm apparently a deeply insecure and twisted man! *runs away crying*

tronc is the answer when questions are wrong!

Conditional support for Emperor Trump's rational diplomacy!

United Ireland, though!

Yeah, I think Irish unionism as a political project is fucked, even if not immediately.

Spain is going to make a play for Gibraltar.

There's a part of me that's inclined to agree. It's probably not "better", but it's definitely more personal and challenging.

Good things come from bad things!

One of their good songs!

That doesn't even make sense!

Well, we'll see what happens. No matter what, chaos reigns.

I'm not sure if it is officially binding, but I think pragmatically it might be, since pretty much everyone is treating it that way. Cameron's career might be toast no matter what at this point. Allowing the referendum to go forward was basically suicide.

1941 actually sounds compelling to me, if potentially really, really silly.

I think UK polls are famously more unreliable than US polls. Plus the Remain advantage was in the margin of error. It's not nearly as big an upset if it happens as the Michigan primary was, for example.

It's the Cavs vs Warriors of potentially irreversible referendums with far reaching results.

He's pretty funny when he wants to be, which tends to indicate at least moderate intelligence.

I didn't know you were a diehard Leave supporter, Semi! Leave poor Canesco alone.