Dave J.

Seeing those two together was like

As long as I knew going in that the plane would land safely, then I’m taking the barf plane 100% of the time.

I hate Jerry as much as anyone else, but don’t get why he has to pay the costs the NFL incurred defending the Elliott decision. Isn’t the appeal process part of the CBA? The players didn’t give up their rights to use the legal system to halt a suspension, so why should an owner have to pay for the NFL to use this same

I like Alden...thought he was amazing in Hail Caesar. However, you just have to sort of accept the fact that he IS Han, and stop expecting a perfect Harrison Ford impression, to enjoy this movie. Not unlike accepting that Michael Fassbender WAS Steve Jobs in the Sorkin movie. Didn’t really look/sound like him, and I

Dude, the person to whom you feel everyone is behaving so condescendingly is delighted and ecstatic. But why should I trust that the student, her teammates, and her coaches would know what is best for her when a random internets commenter who has never met her or anyone who knows her has a different, better take??

What’s your userID on Nextdoor?

Pretty remarkable situation when Jesse Watters is the least annoying person in a group of 3.

For many companies, the bad pr from a recording outweighs whatever satisfaction they could derive for prosecuting someone for recording.

Woah, I guess I never realized he was 43, coming as he does from the Steve Bannon category of healthy/virile conservative males.

Deeply wish that whatever demons were troubling this poor guy had been seen, identified, diagnosed, defeated. Maybe they were football, maybe they were just life. I’m sure we all knew people in college who wound up feeling hopeless for one reason or another, and I’m so sorry that Tyler’s hurdles seemed insurmountable.

They do, but sometimes they can’t. How about teaching young men that only YES means yes?

Who could watch the episode where Michael and Jan throw the dinner party at her house, and call him a “loveable lug?” Or Scott’s Tots?

Well yeah, I mean the Libyan terrorists in Back to the Future, for example. Who are just like the terrorists in True Lies, right down to the fact that they are simultaneously scary (kill Doc Brown) and idiots (they accept a bomb case full of pinball parts instead of plutonium).

We do a “Christmas chain,” (could be any holiday, really) so on the last day of November, our kids make a paper chain of 24 links, and then inside each one we put some Christmas-related thing to do. Some are simple (“get out Christmas pajamas”) others are bigger (“go out and get the Christmas tree”) but each one is

This is really good. Thank you for sharing your story.

Right, and most people would rather spend $150 on a pair of Nikes that they know is the best Nike makes, rather than $150 on a Brooks shoe that they know (or believe based on price) is 1/3 as good as Brooks’ best shoe.

And don’t forget it also plants the seed, perhaps waaaaaay in the back of Brady’s mind, but still there, that this is some sort of thank you from Belichik to Shanahan for “giving up” in the Super Bowl, thus tainting Brady’s miraculous comeback.

If Brady was an actor, he’d be a Scientologist, the perfect “religion” for people who think they are much, much more intelligent than they actually are.

I’ve been very fortunate/privileged in my career and have, at least for the past 10 years, been able to avoid the trap of needing a job so badly that I’ll take anything. So, assessing my future boss’s management style is usually one of the top things I think about during the interview stage. I wish that more