
can you guys put the code up for the free one too?

How does one get an official designation like "insider"?

@MikeSWelch: Well played, sir. Seriously, porn may be the only way this format spreads. Just like almost every format before it.

let's be honest. all apple has to do is move to verizon and everything would be forgiven. why haven't they done this, again?

I have never seen Apple machines in internet cafes in the US or Western Europe. I have, however, seen banks of Apple devices in ....schools....

I like the rules. Now, please, please apply the underlying thinking — basic, civil discourse — to the editors as well. It seems only one really needs a refresher.

pics or it didn't happen.... (no seriously)

flailing around should cost a bit less.

TI 85s are like required reading novels — with batteries.

Perfect for stabbing Vulcans.

@Matt0505: I knew that the day he made a mockery of our organ donation system. Meanwhile, Bill, Melinda, and Warren are doing some real good in the world.

Considering they were grossly overpriced in the first place, Apple got off rather easy. Let's see if their PR recovery can be bought for a 99-cent piece of rubber.

Why not skip it all and just buy an ipod touch?

See what happens when you make a phone even old codgers can use?

Ha, they are willing to cut off your nose to spite their face. That's not quite how it works, Moto.

And, pray tell, I wonder where all that "rocket money" went. Get back to work on the Volt, Chevy.

@Joe Geronimo: I'm not sure, but even the camera moves as the tv hits the floor. That may have tipped the guitar.

I know of someone who could have used this.

@Lord_Data: Um. I mean, I have never seen antimatter either....