Why are you out of the grays? Take your anti-trans crap elsewhere.
Why are you out of the grays? Take your anti-trans crap elsewhere.
FWIW, years ago, my landlord replaced all of the 9V-powered smoke detectors in his properties with units that had 10-year fixed lithium batteries, in part because my building had a major fire, with one fatality, where at least two people (including the fatality) had pulled the batteries from their smoke detectors to…
FFS, not today, not here.
*Principal shooting has....
Hey, it worked for Gordon Freeman.
Exactly what I said (in the greys).
Has Kissner never watched Babylon 5? “Nightwatch” is one of the more evil names one could select for a small cabal within a large organization. It sounds like she’s working on a good initiative, but the name threw me at first.
Our ability to feel any sense of joy was traded for a third-round pick in 2019.
+2 bright eyes
Before you milk a pun, you have to actually make one.
I’m fairly certain, just on principle, that you meant to implicate Erwin Schrödinger. Thing is, the cat’s also alive.
In the XCOM games, elerium is the name for element 115, which didn’t exist in the 1990s, but has now been synthesized and dubbed “moscovium” (Mc).
+1 scissor lift
+1 flew over.
Seriously hope that Amazon gives the option for original Japanese audio with English subtitles.
Apparently Netflix is to streaming services as Kleenex is to facial tissues.
Holy crap, nice anagram. Just a leftover ‘a’.
Probably because the program calculating the fractal images was reaching the maximum precision of floating point numbers.
Or Seattle.