
Regarding #8. The european trains (maybe asian too, i don't know) have overhead power cables as a source for electricity. With the weather in certain parts of the states and the vast distances between cities (compared to europe) this wouldn't really be a viable option to run overhead cables for power hence the use of

Citroen DS5 D-Sport 200hp version

Focus ST Estate

Jochen Rindt's Lotus 72 by Corgi

this one is in England. i think that was the second most used colour after silver on the xj220

that's a 2 lane each way dual carriageway. the a127 just outside brentwood in essex

This is on the Southend bound A127 in Essex right at the Brentwood exit. the building on the left at the very beginning is called the halway house and the ramp takes you to a large roundabout where I once had a DB6 extremely sideways in the wet. I got married 2 minutes from there and grew up close by. The next exit is

I saw a Mini Coupe yesterday and pointed it out to my wife and mother-in-law they thought it was dumb too. Who is buying these? Who ever got into a Mini and said, "hey, you know. This car would be great if it had less space"

nm. was clearly to obscure of a joke

Apple iCar sounds awful. How could you drive a car that only has one button. Also, because of the way it would be integrated, you'd have to replace the car when the battery died. Also the screen would break far too readily.

hmm, oddly, when set to Canada, it does give you the actual prices, so i tried the US side of the site and yeah, is weird. It's not in the 'design studio'but it does come up under 'true cost of ownership' http://www.teslamotors.com/true-cost-of-o…

it would appear I was too subtle.

probably why there's always a fight on a night out nowadays.

Made me feel all patriotic. I love England, just can't stand too high of a percentage of the people nowadays.

pick one

would be quite easy to purposefully kill/mame people in a car with 100hp. this idiot needs banning themselves.

yep, i'd say the same seeing as they aren't in the other photo

cavalier was a crapcan so was the cobalt juat moreso. you post a base cavalier interior and a top of the line ss. also a picture only shows how it looks not how it feels and the cobalt interior feels horrible. even the leather used in the ss was the cheapest hardest leather i have even seen anywhere and would have