Interesting. I like it too. But I’d add: if you get shot by someone while you are committing a crime (home invasion, say), then no insurance pay-out to you.
IT’S SATIRE UGH this is why women aren’t funny. Women just don’t understand high-level humor. Like puns.
And one of the reasons she was a shitty candidate is the gullibility of (most of) the electorate, who swallowed every lie and exaggeration about her past and record to justify straight up sexism (and in many cases backlash racism) in their decision to not vote for her, not to vote at all, or to vote third party:…
Not to mention, unless that netting is somehow hyper-sound-absorbent, those awful little shits are gonna be kicking up a huge ruckus in there, too. I can’t recall, the last time I was near a playground, thinking, “Yes. This is the noise I wish was going on inside a movie theater while I was trying to watch a movie.”
I think this is great, because it will ensure that there are less kids in the theatres without jungle gyms.
Lol did you just mansplain the post to me?
Ugh fucking PAREENE. With friends like these...
Yeah. I wish Emma had made it clear with them that “none” is the only acceptable level of tone-deaf joke posts acceptable by Hamilton today, though.
It’s so frustrating and offensive when these guys think it’s more appriopriate to make jokes than to take something seriously and get on our fucking side for once.
Norm MacDonald had a shtick on Weekend Update where he’d tell a lame joke, and it wouldn’t get any laughs, so he’d awkwardly pause as if the laughs were going to come eventually. Then he’d move on, then five minutes later he’d try the joke AGAIN, tell it even more poorly and wait even longer for the laughs. His sheer…
If he devoted a tenth of the space to calling the Trump Organization corrupt that he did to calling for the Clinton Foundation’s shutdown, I’d have more respect for him.
I’m responding to you, but I’m also commenting to just put it out there that I’m going to dismiss any other post that wants to focus on perceived inadequacies of Hillary over the point of my post, which is that our male allies are being pretty shit. Throughout the election, I listened to plenty of men slamming…
I was referring to a post by Emma Carmichael, editor of Jez, from last night:
I have no problem with male allies voicing legit criticism for Hillary Clinton, but ultimately supporting her. (I myself had plenty of problems with Clinton even though I phone banked and voted for her, and I think the attitude among a certain contingent of her supporters that anyone who had criticism for her was an…
But he totally takes women’s issues seriously. He’s an ally. I mean, why can’t bitches just appreciate good guys, right?
It’s international women’s day and I refuse to relitigate the election with you. The point is, this post shows how seriously our “allies” consider women’s issues to be. And HamNo’s slamming Hillary throughout the election and then at the end going “eh I guess I’ll vote for her, though” certainly didn’t help anything.
POTUS’S previously-expressed opinions of women have nothing to do with his statement? Do go on.
Consider the source, moron. He’s a sexual predator. Fuck him and all of his racist followers.