
“I fully support the womens strike. I just wish all women would participate. And not just at work, but at home, too. Let the men work all day, then take care of the kids, then make dinner, then take more care of the kids, then finally go to bed to get some well deserved rest only to be pestered into oral sex because,

Because I’m mostly disabled, my husband does do the majority of the work at our house. He works from home and we’re both very neat people so the housework is shared. He is the main caretaker of our kids. He gets them ready for school, makes all our meals and helps get them ready for bed. Frankly, I don’t know what I’d

“I was on the moon... With Steve.”

Nonsense. Totally unplanned. It’s not like Trump didn’t start off his Presidency with a Twitter beef with the NPS.

In quite possibly the most apt-metaphor since the physical manifestation of Man’s hubris struck an iceberg, the Statue of Liberty went dark just before midnight.

I’m a nanny, and my boss is a single mom who is a surgical resident. You could basically say we are the exact ladies who should miss work tomorrow.

For the love of Khaleesi, shut up.

I work at a Belgian university, and we (female staff) are on strike today too (for very obvious sexism-in-academia reasons). Happy international women’s day, ladies!

The proposed cuts to the Coast Guard (if I’m correctly remembering what I read) are $1.7 billion!!! That’s a LOT of money to lose for a stupid f’ing wall and a militarized Border Patrol.

Deftly handled, and should make for an interesting day tomorrow. Give ‘em hell out there on the front lines!

Speaking of coasts and budget cuts, the Trump administration (ugh) is proposing cutting funding to the Great Lakes from $300 million to $10 million. When people saw the number they thought it was a joke, because no one could be that fucking petty. But, no, it’s a real proposal. Like, it’d almost be palatable if they

He’s just a fucking idiot. These policies reek of Steve Bannon, chief strategist/fascist to our dear leader.

So if a foreign terrorist gets through and causes havoc and mass civilian casualties, Trump’s going to use that to extend his Muslim travel ban.

This has been lighting up my Twitter feed for several days now, and the Congressional reaction from both sides of the aisle is not surprising - nobody outside the White House thinks the Coast Guard cuts are a good idea.

I’d like to know if NPS actually turned off the Statue of Liberty’s light’s on purpose. Their excuse is very Eddie Izzard’s “I was dead at the time” excuse-y.

I’m a guy, and I will take down my commerce website for the day to support “A Day Without A Woman”. Think RED.

Jezebel has become very meaningful to me, so all my love and support to the writers striking. This is the only place I can stomach reading politics now, and the commenters here are gold. Life would be shit without the women writers of Jezebel. ❤🌸

Kudos to you ladies for getting your male colleagues to participate in such a thoughtful and meaningful way. I’m looking forward to reading Jezebel stories on the strike soon!