
Chester County is pretty blue, just stay the fuck away from Coatesville (for all sorts of reasons).

That’s a piss poor and simple minded take. It’s possible the Tesla was not even visible when the truck began turning.

Slow your roll. We’ve still got to miss out on the N64 and Gamecube Classics first.

I’m pretty sure the footage exists, it just doesn’t show what they want it to.

Yeah, and people fucked your wife before you married her. Doesn’t mean it’s ok for them to do it now.

I was there during Kristina, I have very fond memories of Chris Kyle and I shooting looters from atop the Superdome. Good times.

I was there during Kristina, I have very fond memories of Chris Kyle and I shooting looters from atop the Superdome. Good times.

Look at you, master detective. What if I told you that people tend to drive slowly in drive-thrus, allowing the lady to catch up?

No. They make their money off idiots hoping for a new Metroid. As long as people keep buying the same recycled garbage, they have no reason to create new content.

If you look real close, it says “at our discretion” underneath in fine print.

Confessions are so rare in these situations, I’m tempted to give the guy a little bit of credit.

It’s only because he pled guilty. Most cops don’t have the morals to actually admit their fault afterwards. I have no doubt that he would have walked had this gone to trial. 

One thing to note:

Fucking love it.

Seems pretty straightforward, cop chose the wrong tool for the job. If he had his gun out, he could have fired when the other guy pulled on him.

My buddy is a good guy, so he’ll find someone. You, on the other hand, are a judgmental douchebag, so I sincerely hope you don’t have such an extensive video game toy collection.

My buddy is a good guy, so he’ll find someone. You, on the other hand, are a judgmental douchebag, so I sincerely

Joe, is that you? I’m just kidding, you’ll find a girl that appreciates your “hobbies” someday.

Joe, is that you? I’m just kidding, you’ll find a girl that appreciates your “hobbies” someday.

lol, had to google it, but that’s them. Guy has 8 of them in his living room.

lol, had to google it, but that’s them. Guy has 8 of them in his living room.

Speaking as a former Soldier who now works closely with law enforcement, I won’t say FredCee is lying, but I can definitely state that his experiences are not typical for the military. If he was “Master at Arms” (the closest thing the Navy has to law enforcement) his training was only 9 weeks. Police recieve closer to

I’ve got a buddy who has Ikea display cases full of tie-ins. This, all the COD junk, the Skyrim statue, etc. I try not to judge they guy’s relationships, but I would bet these are a factor in him not being able to land a partner. 

I’ve got a buddy who has Ikea display cases full of tie-ins. This, all the COD junk, the Skyrim statue, etc. I try