
If this gets approved it will speak volumes about how our current government's ability to be bought off.

simple method for diminished reality:

This shit is what you get when you do things by committee

add this post to the "14 God Awful Post That You Posted"

Lisa Mouse:prices (or $89)

Okay, you spend 10 years and all your money developing something. When you're done, let me know. I'll go get rich from it while you go broke! Sound fair?

man!! A whole lot of narcissistic people are going to dramatically overreact to this!!

yea, maybe they should just put Canadian style churches there, Canadians are drumming up some real anti-American culture! dipshit

spoiler:but they don't stay dead!

Get over it already, bunch a little spoiled pansies running around crying about shit they have no effect over and essentially doing nothing. End result, nothing. Well, you WILL waste your entire life with it, that much is gained.

because now they have to quit playing the game and go back to work!!!

hard to believe it's $50k/day!

I never:

yea, anything that makes people feel guilty for being lazy asses gets names like fascist!

I am still using the first Commodore 64 paint program, this is what I just did

it's a joke, but the current generation ask the right questions with the wrong attitude. It's always good to push forward with a can-do attitude, but the questions now are more like "MacBook Air, whoopie-do, make it smaller or you suck"

yea, it always gets blamed on the hardest working guy in the place. Why not pin the VP on IT security to the wall?

That model has some issues. The good news is that MakerBot is very good about responding to them. We've had to replace both extruders and some of the wiring harnesses.

yea, all Windows machines are under powered and all Macs are overpowered. The fantasy world of the Appletart!