
The only people who would pay $99 bucks a year to buy games occasionally are obviously mentally retarded and should probably be wearing helmets on top of being castrated so they can’t reproduce.....Prime is only worth the cost IF you purchase alot of things from Amazon over the year, not I buy something here or there

Simple, don’t buy the NSwitch then. One more unit for the rest of us.

(Seriously, why do we have to do this every console iteration? Like you are doing something earthshatteringly different this time from the other usual “waa waa I no liek that console” drivel?)

Correction: An earlier version of this piece claimed that U.S. intelligence agencies provided no evidence of Russian hacking, and misinterpreted the term “high confidence” as defined by the intelligence community. In fact, several releasedintelligence reports from the United States and Britain, including and predating

I’m going to bet that you’re a comic book fan and got defensive by a joke that insinuates that comic book readers are losers that have trouble getting laid.

@DrWadd: The article’s about Mammals...

I believe they can be found in Austin (I lived there 2 years and have seen photos of those tartunula hawks taken by locals). I’ve never seen a single one and I spent a lot of time in the backyard. Snakes, aggressive red wasps, etc, I’ve seen it. I also got stung by scorpions twice (in bed!).

Like the other commenter


Yeah, since when did we “wish” Logan being MiB was true? Sounds more like something the author of this article wished for, not necessarily what most of the fans wished for.

9.5/10 near-perfect kinja

Not sure I understand the part about screwing his girlfriend but okay?

But then fans something was amiss: Link was wearing his sword on the other side of his back.

Yes, looks like it. Crazy.

“Pinko lefty”? Have to admit I’ve never heard of a lefty describe himself like that. I suspect you’re not actually a lefty, and mistakably thought that’s a real term we use among ourselves.

Gurble, it’s pretty clear MrCrumley is trolling ;) (he acts as if he really thinks the whole thing is CGI)

Hard to tell in the video whether it’s this or just video artifacts, but is the dog being strangled bloodied (around the shoulders)? I hope the dog is okay at least.

At least Howard Dean isn’t as dense as some Dem fucktards like you. Good for him for recognizing that Democratic Party should not be about identity politics anymore and keep his grabby, filthy establishment paws off the DNC chair position.

I’m replying to you because you’re replying to me, fucktard.

Oh looky here, we have a fucking Hillidiot.

Democratic Party has became the “coastal party” - the blue color is reduced to cities on east and west coasts for the most part.

Nice job ignoring the working-class/blue collar Americans. The “fly-over country”, etc.

If DNC doesn’t install leadership that can come up with a

Keep those fucking filthy establishment paws off DNC - this includes Howard Dean. If it’s molested by establishment Dems again, god help us, we’re going to see a repeat of 2016 all over again.

(I think Sling TV limits you to a single device at a time, at least on one of their plans)