
At first I thought, "A Rolling Stones video? Stewart doesn't seem the type." Then I realized I was thinking of the notorious Aerosmith videos, not the Stones.

The Stones tried longer and harder than most other concurrent white-Brit acts to turn out authentic-sounding "organic old black man blues" for at least some of their output.

Happiest at her nappiest.

Worst film I saw this year was the second time I watched "The Greasy Strangler." At least the first time, I had the perverse thrill of, "Oh shit, I'm watching Greasy Strangler!" The second time, with a friend, it was merely, "Oh shit. I'm watching Greasy Strangler."

Last week I explained to some teenagers the difference between atheist (does not believe God exists), maltheist (dedicated to wiping out belief in God), misotheist (believes God exists but is not necessarily benevolent or nice), and antitheist (believe in God but choose to oppose him). They immediately started trying

In my head, I have forever somehow conflated "There Will Come Soft Rains" with the Auden poem "The Witnesses," so that it now reads "there will come soft rains and shimmering sounds, as the hunchback crawls up from the ground, upleasant…"

I have two.

I know people think Styx/Dennis De Young are kind of a joke, but on his live album with a symphony he does a really cool arrangement of Clair de Lune, where it starts with solo piano, then grows into the full orchestral version.

You have to listen in chronological order, preferably to the half-bootleg, half-legit "super deluxe editions," to really make sense of the Abbey Road medley and what it means.

My first Pink Floyd was at probably age 9. My father was a musician, and we were staying in Bethesda, Maryland for Thanksgiving with my aunt. We were driving to Guitar Center to check out an amp my dad wanted for Christmas, and he found a local classic rock station. "Comfortably Numb" was on, and I thought it was some

The trouble with it is that the drums are awesome, but that's all that changes. We just keep the same track going, same instrumentation and mood, but with drums now. There's a version by The Protomen on "The Cover-Up" that begins faithfully to Collins, but adds more instrumentation little by little after the drum

I went on a road trip with my dad during college admissions. He has an ironic/unironic love of "Rock Lobster," which he just considers the best novelty song of all time. So we brought along the three-hour best of B-52s, "Nude on the Moon."

Fun bit of Shakespeare/sci-fi crossover I love: the 90s reboot of Fantasy Island (which was later recycled for spare parts into LOST) featured Malcolm McDowell as Mr. Roarke… but slowly revealed that he was Prospero, with Madchen Amick as his assistant Ariel.

Happy Voldemort Day, one and all!

This just in: JK Rowling rewrites first two "Very Potter" plays as canon.

I like Harvey as a "Hollywood character" decently, and as a writer very much (he pretty much single-handedly fixed Newsies from a deeply unfocused movie into a tight stage show), but as an actor/performer in actual roles? Meh.

I don't think it would have worked without the first one- the first one set up the "haha, we trolled the trolls!" moment. Without it, the second one would have played like that, rather than a "we were the trolls all along" moment they pulled off.

I like the fact that, though South Park has a character roster to rival The Simpsons, they rotate focus heavily, rather than relying on the "lead, secondary, tertiary, cameo" hierarchy that Simpsons runs on.

You heard it here first, folks, Terri R. Howard killed and ate her own family.

Hayley likes guys who remind her of her dad. Her long-running stoner boyfriend was an idiot with Phil-like qualities. Andy was a little too on-the-nose in being like Phil, but Rainer is a successful, vivacious and ultimately seemingly harmless older man who is enough like Phil that Phil wants to be around him, but is