
I've been doing a "read all Shakespeare in 2016" and I'm almost to the finish line- when read in chronological order, Shakespeare emerges not as Ye Immortal Bard, an inhuman spirit of genius, but as a talented working writer. You see him go back to the well a few times, rip himself off, capitalize on past successes.

I wonder how many times that gambit failed? "Hi, I'm Satan, and I'm here to help you cheat God and still go to heaven."
"Uh… okay!"

Well, maybe Negan will turn the bat on her stomach, in a last-ditch effort to out-Ramsay Bolton Ramsay Bolton and lose the last of the squeamish/conscientious fanbase.

Same way one cuts himself in half with a chainsaw- a mixture of precision, endurance and natural skill.

Everybody discovered "You Spin Me 'Round" through either "The Wedding Singer" or Meatspin.

"You're not God- look at all THOSE PEOPLE you let into Heaven!"

There's a story called "Markheim" by Robert Louis Stevenson about a burglar who accidentally kills a man, and the Devil appears to him, telling him to sell his soul in exchange for getting out of his predicament. He even tells him he can get his soul back through a loophole: if he repents on his deathbed, his soul


I prefer the Jenova's Witnesses.

Dolla twice!

Saint Harambe, the violent gorilla angel who is friend to all children and enemy to all wrongdoers…

If you look at the Abrahamic Family of Faiths, Roman Catholicism is the sometimes-feuding, sometimes-loving little brother of Judaism, with Islam as the estranged brother who doesn't come around much anymore but sends a card at the holidays, and LDS and Baha'i as the weird step-brothers who insist they've "always been

Of course Jesus was a liberal social justice activist- he was a bearded Jewish artisan. He rode a donkey, liked drawing designs on the ground with his fingers and hanging out with the poor and marginalized.

Lucifer and El Trumpo would probably have the same statement of faith: "Yeah, I've met Jesus, and he's the Son of God, Lord of Lords, and that's cool and all, but really that's as far as the relationship goes."

If the woman enjoys it, it ain't godly.

If you mean "How about we just watch that phenomenal opening credits sequence again on YouTube," it's free.

I was just discussing this on Reddit- as much as Lin has attributed the style of "You'll Be Back" to the Beatles and the Monkees, the style of the song overall is more in keeping with the brief "sunshine pop revival" of the late 2000s, a la Michael Buble's pop album or "Life in Cartoon Motion" by Mika.

The haunting, Nino-Rota-esque theme song by Syreeta Wright was on one of the infamous Vinnie Rattole curated Halloween mixtapes. Those albums were my introduction to so many weird corners of Halloween-music and B-movie culture.

"Ladies and gentleman, we apologize sincerely for not giving you the finale we promised. it seems our…extraordinary young gentleman has decided to…compromise his aspiration. But i know there are many of you out there, waiting to perform that one perfect act…Our Grande Finale! If you decide to do so, we'll be

I have to draw a Venn Diagram between "horror movies I like" and "horror movies I think are good," with a crossover in between. Some examples below…