darleeeeeene aka deraaiilleeeeeene

After this can we go after the Mann Act and The Isle of Man?

Literary Industrial Complex...bwahahaha

i live in a red state so education for girls stops at age 7 :/

my skinny jeans are too tight for pockets so they just have fake ones, so idk what i’m supposed to do now

*quietly, eyes widened* There were videos?

rude last name for a person since we all came out of a woman imo

bless you

Can lightening strike twice? Goddess, I hope so.

You know nothing about feminism! It should be called the Person Booker Prize.

Waiting for all the people (men) to miss the tag. This is going to be good, Bobby.

The Sellout is excellent btw!

I didn’t! lol But I feel like it’s obvious anyway.

Merely reading the byline is equally informative.

They could at LEAST call it the Myn Booker Prize, but they’ll never change it. Know why?

Behold: Perfect Content.