Well said idiot. Tucker called, he said his show doesn’t write itself. Better get back to work fool.
Well said idiot. Tucker called, he said his show doesn’t write itself. Better get back to work fool.
Cops shooting, and killing people of color had nothing to do with any of it right? Another half witted troll here. I can pull a better more coherent argument out of my dog’s butt. But hey you are the winner today, right?
Every fucking bit of him and his bastard kids was bad. Clear enough?
Was there a riot or not? Can’t have it both ways fool.
But it was pretty interesting to see Cheeto Head telling his idiots to go to the Capitol, (I’ll be there with you”) and then to see the coincidental riot that took place shortly afterward. Again what color is the sky in your world?
shout louder, we can’t hear over the bullshit lies you try to pass off as truth. Go Gordon!
you deserve all the stars for that!
what color is the sky in your world today imbecile?
The problem is the dumb ass idea that a “few hundred” assholes think they can over turn an election or democracy with a riot. Pretty much to be expected though after the fearless leader predicted the steal many months before the vote. Sort of like a self fulfilling concept. Amazing how many of these assholes are…
Well I feel better now. No need to search for the dumbest thing on the web today. You made it easy. Friggin’ idiot.
Yeah would rather spend my money on a ride to space on the Penis Rocket...this looks dumb.
So you are from Alabama too?
That’s where the alien popped out of there dash in that one X Files episode. And when the guy woke up, he was driving the fine ride being offered today. ND
Either way it’s still shit...
Does anyone here have an interest in a car site where the info published comes from original thought from the writers, rather than copy and paste of stories from other sources? Click bait is one thing, being a lazy ass with no original thoughts is a whole other thing...Perhaps it’s time for something new? Damn this…
WTF should be expected? It’s friggin’ Tennessee...
Jesus, are we hiring non English speaking writers? now? Damn this site gets lamer everyday. I have seen better writing and editing out of 3rd graders. God damn this shit.
Tell that to the worlds best offroad truck racer Ivan Ironman Stewart. Sorry about that.
Where does the thread reference “racing” anywhere? I think there is some confusion somewhere here. Fight me. BTW my old Toyota trucks are all still on the road, mileage is approaching 1M miles. Nothing ever done except 1 timing chain replacement.
Yes! The damn interior stitching looks like something from a south of the border cut rate crack/meth head upholstery shop. You know the kind, they give you some crack or meth to do before they show you how badly they fucked up your ride...