Hell yes. Tercels were also damn near indestructible.
Hell yes. Tercels were also damn near indestructible.
WTF? Yeah after 3 Toyota trucks, 84, 91, 94, and well over 500 K on the 22R and RE motors can attest there is no tougher bullet proof choice out there. Of course any Toyota with the 22RE will run til the apocalypse comes. Them Taliban bastards all had them, not as stupid as they looked. (Bastards)
The problem with your point is that there are just as many idiots in their 20s or older as there are who are 17. Maturity and age are not the same thing.
So perhaps we should change the juvenile laws and just ‘lock em up’ when shit starts at age 14? Most of us here have done extremely stupid shit, especially at that kids age. The difference is most of us got away with it without killing anyone. Rather than knee jerk reactions perhaps we should consider tweaking the…
Thank you for what seem to be clear and well reasoned thoughts and explanations. Sorry that you have to be the teacher of the ignorant, but applaud you for your patience. These things happen when we get all our ‘legal’ education from BULL and Law and Order.
Was this turd the cousin of the Texas coal rolling turd? Just wondering.
Is Sweden as big a shit hole as California? Just wondering.
Seems about par for everything today. Where I live the gas tends to go up by a ton as the current hurricane (pick one) gets closer. After the storm they raise it again. After Katrina (2005) the local buttwipes doubled the price overnight. Such is life in Amerika, where we fight about everything, and give an honest…
Not related to the story, but reading anything on this site is like dealing with crap. Stupid 1/2 page, non disappearing KIA ad is blocking almost everything. Screw this damn site.
Don’t forget the free oil for saving them from Saddam.
We were/are the country that can innovate. Maybe we can produce stuff that does not require materials sourced from shit countries. We managed for over 200 years to lead the world in manufacturing and product development before becoming China’s bitch. When we needed something that was not easily available, we found…
We understand the point, well said. But Copper is not a shit hole, never was.
Good point but we should have never out sourced these products in the first place. Thinking is hard, hindsight is 2020. But we seem to do the same stupid shit over and over again, but expecting a different result each time we fuck up. BTW that is the definition of insanity...
We don’t need no stinking lead for our bullets. Plastic bullets can kill you just as fast as lead can. We need to think outside the box again, or we will become bitches to the rest of the world. We are reaping what we have sown the last 40 years when it comes to the so called ‘world economy.’ Economic stability should…
Here is my answer. Put a 25% tariff (at the least) on anything made in China. The stuff we made in the USA was good enough. A painful tariff on Chinese products would encourage the US companies to resume production, and real jobs in the USA again. Also reform the corporate tax structure to the point that it does not…
We sold our soul and sent our manufacturing industry to China starting in the 1980s. And we wonder why they have us by the balls? I would gladly pay a 15-20% extra for most items if it meant what I was buying supported American workers and manufacturing jobs. If we want change we need to BE the change. I started by…
Exactly. The weasel dealer I bought our Scion xB from in 2014 still bugs me with offers to buy it back, just to get me into the show room. Ain’t gonna work.
When times are tough, (my whole life) Toyota is always the answer. Speaking as a Toyota owner since 1978...YMMV.
Got my used Toyota Venza exactly 1 year ago. Prices were shitty and supply was tough then. Felt kinda screwed at the time. Now am just thankful to not having to be playing that game at this point. Rather drive my 12 yr old Toyotas and be grateful, than to try to figure out how to pay for a new pos at a 45K average…
Excellent point. Had to work on a lot of these when they were brand new. They were out dated pieces of crap. 27 years later and a 6K price you just end up with an OLD piece of crap. Don’t care if it’s $600 bucks, still don’t want this old dinosaur.