
Sorta like in Unbreakable Kimmy: “Row...Nun...Fair...Row”

When you don’t immediately separate yourself from the heads of the KKK and white supremacists supporting you, your side is the racist side.

Pretty excited about Necro, was actually thinking it was going to be that next given most enemy classes match the player classes. Only downside is starting a new character back at 0 horse speed...

Personally, I would really like something like Akavir

I suppose this would be a good buy if you happened to miss it being free from Games with Gold.

I suppose this would be a good buy if you happened to miss it being free from Games with Gold.

Looks like it is already sold out...

Looks like it is already sold out...

Is it a Korean thing to sell 3% of a company that you don’t own?

it is kind of stupid, you have to go to stats and then Nightclub and then compare it with someone else, in your friends list or crew. Then you hover over the club drunk award/achievement and it will show the exact number you both have.

What would have happened if you paid each of them to attack one of the others?

No offense...but I hate you

First there was Finding Bigfoot, then there was Killing Bigfoot, next there will be Bedding Bigfoot

Well the Macbeth drink will black you out in one go so that is the one everyone uses.

Umm...I’m sorry...DOZENS of times? I just looked up what I’m up to in the social club and I’m at 340 times blacked out without the Kifflom shirt! Also, this isn’t that surprising because the attendant will randomly say Kifflom when you walk out of the bathroom...which I have wanted to shoot him for...stupid a-hole teas

I started Destiny 2 right before Forsaken dropped and I wanted to thank you for all your articles that helped get me up to speed and your continued coverage to get my Destiny fix and stay up-to-date.

Wow, what a power move, people think about switching to a different site so you buy it...

Now I feel stupid...I always that it was a shiny black that when in bright light looked silvery...

At least they didn’t make it a mobile only game...

Essence is the prime reason I did half of the patrols I did this last week. Usually don’t bother unless there is a daily for them. Also, I have had so much fun playing Mayhem this week. Games are usually under 10 minutes and you get 12-17 essence per match. This is probably the most I have played Crucible save for

I think that just means he wasn’t the subject in her own experience.

I’ve only had the game since Black Friday last year and I have office, bunker, facility, hanger, MC businesses, and nightclub and I think the last time I checked I still had 13 mil in the bank.