
When did season 1 leave?

Sweet, now I don’t need to quote this myself. Because I’m fairly sure next to “I’m not racist but...” the very next thing a racist person would say is “I have a *race/nationality/etc...* friend”

awww when did all these other animals overtake deer?

monster/disease in It Follows

Someone fell asleep with BBC on...

Yeah, I think the biggest complaint they had was he was getting confused by basic gameplay mechanics that normal players should be used to by this point.

I think it would be funny if it became a thing for developers to announce other developers games, like if Todd Howard “confirmed” when we would get HalfLife 3

A thought just occurred to me, why not give us a chore we have to complete on the boat before we are allowed back with the living? Throw a bucket of water on the deck, unfurl the sails and adjust them to catch the wind, etc. Make it so if you are just waiting around, you won’t get to leave. So instead of a currency

Two of my interactions with randoms:

Aww Nerf Now... also, why is It’s capitalized in the second panel of PA?

Pretty sure a Rockoon is a Racoon tied to a rocket.

Comply with what? The commands of random people showing up at your house shining light in your face? So anyone that jumps someone at the house can now hope that people will just assume they are cops and comply long enough to steal their stuff or worse?

I must be in the minority as the only reason I installed BR was because I wanted to try the mechanics while I wait for the original game to become F2P...

Navigating is madly dashing from the sloop’s wheel down to the map table to check heading, then running back upstairs to make sure the ship doesn’t crash

But wouldn’t painting the wrong side result in a greater chance of hitting us?

Between http://www.kansascity.com/latest-news/article205372914.html and reports that Dems are just trying to show redder their states they can work across the aisle, I can’t help but think of the law maker in Australia who was willing to commit political suicide just to pass gun control to prevent another mass

Do ski resorts not have megaphones to instruct people to jump off the lift before it hits the bottom?

Yeah...can’t say I’m too surprised by McCaskill...

$500,000 penalty