
My Corolla is a hatchback with a wiper but none of those extreme angles:

The battery alone is 10-15.000$

Prepare the oven guys, we gonna have goat tonight!

Surely not manuals :)

More like:

*puts helmet on, everybody freaks out :))

In Europe you’re only allowed to drive 4 hours then take 1 hour break. Then you can also drive but you are allowed to drive 10 hours a day only 2 days a week. A friend of mine is a trucker here, and he rests a lot.

Here in Europe we have 11.500$ incentive for electric vehicle, cant wait for a cheap Model 3.

Not available in my country, welcome to Europe...


Just in time for Doug’s new video. Hint: it’s a V12

There’s an app for Android called SnoopSnitch and an other one also for Snapdragon modems but I can’t remember its name.

Wait, what? What kind of plane is that without a proper bathroom?

Odometer tampering is a national sport in many countries here in Europe. Usually cars from 2013 with 5-600.000 km are up for sale for a low price and eventually end up in other countries asking double the price for 170.000 km or less.

There’s no replacement for displacement.

Been there done that. Never again. I’m a simple man, I know what I’m worth and I don’t somebody to feed my ego.

What’s that clicking noise? Downshifting? Hazard lights blinking?

And here I am reading this article on my pc connected to the Internet via fiber for just 10$/month (1Gbps). I don’t even need or use that much, just a decent and stable connection is enough.

Yep, search abuse using scripts maybe?