Daniel MacCabe

Right? So hard for the Sailors among us not to be smug in the face of this story. Ronald Regan Plankowner here. I saw a similar scene that you described when we came out the transit through the Straits of Magellan during her maiden voyage. I was BMOW that morning when the waves started to first swallow up the bow and

Okay i have a 2004 XC70 and the only way i will ever let it go is if i go with it. I bought it used from an old lady who was to old to drive. In the 12 years its been alive its only done 38,000 miles and for $4200 it was a hell of a deal. Of course being a car guy ive bought her some nice toys from VIVA, IPD, and a

Sounds like my dad aboard CA-136 USS Chicago, he said they were “somewhere in the northern Pacific” and ran into a bad weather. Waves were coming over the 03 deck...

cruise ships are engineered to be taller and list more slowly so the passengers don’t get seasick as easily, but that also makes the more susceptible to tipping over. I doubt they care about comfort as much in the navy. so while a navy craft can handle rougher seas, a cruise ship is more comfortable to be on... until

All good and true information, but the punishment is for intent to deceive. GM was stupid and negligent, but never set out to hurt anyone by designing a crappy ignition switch, no less profit from it! VW chose to cheat, and used the real world benefits of their cheating to better market their products. That should be

also, they deliberately and with malice aforethought disobeyed the laws of this country.

You haven’t said anything that could be considered “truth.” You fail to grasp the legal differences between open and flagrant law breaking (VW), general incompetence (GM) and third party modifications (bro dozers). None of these can be equated in any way. The differences range from intent, prosecuting legal body and

You know, if/when VW comes out with their fix, they absolutely should affix these green bandaids to the car like in the lead picture after the work is done. That tongue-in-cheek nod to how they screwed up could go a long way to repairing their image.

Yeah! The sooner I can corner the market on beater craigslist TDIs, the better!

Those scorch marks on the side of the fuselage would seem to indicate otherwise.

Indeed.... :)

Sansa’s one of a handful of characters I would be surprised not to see make it to the end. I see her as emerging as one of the most adept court players in Westerose—and, coming full circle, as Tyrion’s bride to seal a Stark-Lannister (and possibly Targaryan) alliance. Fuck with that brain trust at Casterly Rock at

Star Trek games call them “races” even though it should be “species” and “racism” is easier to say than “speciesism”

“Throughout the film, BB-8 is an elaborate mix of practical effects, digital effects or, in most cases, both.”

“And yet even with effects affecting the story more than most movies...”

Good thing everyone in Westeros rigorously follows the rules governing succession then. He’ll just show up in King’s Landing, explain to everyone he’s the rightful heir, take the throne, and govern peacefully. I'm sure his niece (?) will happily give him her dragons.

I'm a big fan of Luna 3

Lunochod 1 - the first remote controlled object to be sucessfully operated on another celestial body.

I've always thought that the Soviet Venera program is pretty amazing.

Probably the entire Soviet space program. Growing up in the USA all I ever heard about was "first man on the moon" and "space shuttle." Later on I think sputnik may have been mentioned but I think most Americans grow up without knowing that the CCCP was so involved in space exploration.