
Apparently it wasn’t ok considering there were numerous investigations but Trump hasn’t done anything about it. So maybe it wasn’t as big of a deal as originally thought?
Either way if the GOP made it into this huge EMAILS!!!!! scandal then why would they do the EXACT SAME THING?
Seems only fair to put them right onto

This monster is trying to make it all about his hurt feelings and pretending he’s the victim of unfair judgement and mean treatment — where have we seen that before?

This is why USA needs gun control. Australia did it back in 1996 after the Port Arthur massacre; It was one of the few good things that the Prime Minister of the time achieved while he was in office.

You do not need semi or fully automatic weapons for hunting or self defence. It is very unlikely that a gun will save

Remember, now isn’t the time to discuss gun control. Especially when terrorists do the killing.

GOOD!!!! I have been waiting to hear about this. Weiner is an asshole. One of those people who does great teary apologies and mea culpas..and then continues to do exactly what he was doing before. I am glad he is facing real world consequences.

Good. It’s not as if they ever had a choice to be on the original, and they seem to be doing relatively well with their fashion line (confession: I have a few E&J pieces and they’ve held up very well over the years).

Mary-Kate and Ashley often end up looking like snobs and ingrates when these stories come to light, but—

Weiner & his weenie show little or no accountability or real understanding of his crimes. He deserves prison. He seems to only feel remorseful for how his crimes affected HIM not his victims. Which at this point is every rational person in the United States since he inflicted double down Donnie on us with his

It sucks it got spoiled but at the same time, it’s not bad news it got out. I feel like Firth’s performance really is the heart and soul of “Kingsman”, despite the stellar cast around him. Taron Egerton does his job well, but nothing beats the dude from “Bridget Jones’ Diary” going full 007-on-R-rated-roids, so it was

I think you completely lost the point of my post. I’m guessing you deny there is such a thing as white privilege, yes? The point is (and I’m assuming you are white) that you have white privilege and you benefit from it, but it’s not fault that you have it. It doesn’t demean your accomplishments, it puts them in

“My boss is acting like a jerk” is no excuse to act like a jerk yourself. Especially if you want to get another job after that one.

There’s some pretty good evidence that Max Landis was 95% of why Chronicle was a great movie. I think Trank was way over his head. He did not react well to doing a big production (with rumors that he was hiding in his RV by the end of production). It doesn’t look like he has any work in the pipeline.

Why is talking about the reality of what Black women face anti-Black male? We are always told we’re being divisive when we talk about what’s going on. It’s a great way to silence us and nothing has to change. This has nothing to do with white people and what they want.

Yes, I can tell it’s specially designed to prevent rape because it’s purple!

No, but I’ve found that people have weird ideas on what constitutes rape, and if you aren’t explicitly talking about a certain kind of sexual assault, they’re less likely to take it seriously.

Perpetrators of rape frequently do not consider their own actions to be rape. They think that their target being too intimidated or intoxicated to verbally or physically resist means what they’re doing is okay. If you’re not aware that this is the case, read the news once in a while. Your attitude that “taking steps

Every year, American Horror Story reveals an intriguing new premise, builds anticipation with stylish teasers, and then collapses utterly once the story can no longer survive on posturing alone. Still, there is always a brief window between the first unveiling of the theme and maybe the second episode of the season

Sure if you’re not an underage girl he wants to fuck I bet he’s totally harmless.

This was exactly my feeling about two hours after seeing Black Swan.