
Again, just out of curiosity... Say Sanders win the whole ballgame. You’re not at all worried that nothing will change? Like, didn’t this happen with Obama? A lot was put on him, but he had to work within an established system. Sanders will have to work within that same system.


Which policies does she lean Republican? The ones she agreed with our Democratic President on? I think you may have lost track of how insanely far to the right the current Republican party is.

I was skimming the comments on instagram last night, and that is totally what it was. People were being assholes

It’s like you don’t know what she has her own show in Vegas now and spends hours upon hours doing intense aerobic exercise on a stage and actually looks pretty fucking well muscled and athletic. But mmkay.

But... Isn’t that kind of what American needs? Someone who can work the middle rather than a tug of war from opposite sides? At least until there’s a less polarized political landscape?

Again, I’m a Canadian, so I’m just an observer, but... I keep thinking about the quote “A house divided against itself cannot stand”. And this isn’t just about the party, but the polarized state of politics in the nation.

Aging? She’s 34!

It’s a puzzle that makes me very sad.

Because there is a contingent of Bernie supports who are ideologically confused, young “libertarians” who support anyone who’s anti-establishment. That’s why you might see some shitface say they’d vote for Trump if Bernie didn’t get the nomination.

Chances are the ones attacking literally every post that either tries to vet Bernie’s policies (unacceptable) or is even mildly favorable toward Clinton just have the biggest mouths. Like gun rights activists. They aren’t the majority but they’re yelling the loudest.

Just wait a second. I’m sure they’ll tell you.

As a confused Canadian... Why do Bernie supporters seem to hate Hillary even more than they hate the Republicans?

I was legit so fucking hyped when I saw her post this morning that it didn’t even occur to me that people would shit all over this. Now that I’m reading the comments, I see you are correct. HOW CAN YOU HATE ON THIS GLORIOUS MOMENT OF PERFECTION?!

It is really horrible that over twenty years after her murder, Nicole Brown Simpson in still being gossiped about.


Ayyyup. Right now they’re intentionally helping him because they know he’d be so easy to take down.

Some of my Bernie supporting friends are starting to photoshop Hillary’s face onto Trump’s head and I’m about to lose my fucking patience and my fucking mind.

Not to mention that the entire Sanders campaign rests upon a supposed groundswell of Democratic support that pulls in voters that usually don’t show up at the polls (Revolution, anyone?) and ... that is not happening. Turnout was lower in Iowa and New Hampshire than in 2008. I repeat: the entire premise of a Sanders