
I don’t understand how this would be enforced though. When you monitor alcohol offenders, a lot of times they try and beat it by having someone else blow and the only way they’re caught is if the company monitoring/or software catches the other person and alerts the person monitoring them. Unless it has some way to

From someone who actually formerly monitored alcohol related offenders and field tested the monitoring equipment, the sensors in those were literally fail proof. The article doesn’t mention it, but I imagine they’d also incorporate cameras or some type of biometrics to confirm its the driver submitting and not a

That’s what I was thinking, why didn’t he include the Z

Probably because tarantino didn’t direct this one, it was a robert rodriguez flick. I mean splitting hairs here but Tarantino didn’t direct so he probably let Rodriguez do his own thing.

I think its a nice last hurrah for the Challenger, BUT , the need for ethanol is kind of a bummer. If they’d made it able to get those numbers on regular pump gas, that’d have been pretty amazing. 

Seems like a really dumb “innovation”. I always thought a retractable “camper” top for the bed would be a nice innovation or even a retractable power bed cover to keep your stuff covered. But I guess squeezing more people into a truck was paramount.

I’m no math wiz, but wouldn’t 3 402 hp electric motors be more than 760 hp?

THIS right here!!! He couldn’t just tweet back or I don’t know, let it go like an adult.... He HAD to make a cringeworthy “rebuttal” to validate his masculinity by basically saying “I know you are but what am I” and getting nabbed in the process. I guess running a ponzi scheme/human trafficking business doesn’t

I had always liked Fords until the last few years I started to realize they’re really really really cheaply made, especially the interiors. I started seeing a ton of different recalls, and the main thing for me was on my initial quest to get a bronco, coming to terms that its just not a great vehicle quality and

I think it’d be expensive, but has anyone seen any imported Mitsubishi Pajero Evolutions?

My pet peeve is being in the lone star state of course every other vehicle is a giant truck, and nobody, I MEAN NOBODY, knows how to properly maneuver them, especially when parking. Why in gods name does each one insist on trying for a full minute to back into a spot? 2nd place would be when you try and park away from

In my area, people take it one step further and will leave a crap filled diaper INSIDE THE DAMN CART that they’ve left in a parking space as if doing 3 dumb things in 1 swoop earns bonus points.

I honestly forgot there was a difference between Terminator Genysis and dark fate. I remember dark fate jumping thru time so much I stopped caring. Salvation wasn’t bad, I think that’s been the best one since T2. What made the others suck was the lack of practical visual effects. Cgi is ok, but when almost every

T3 was the first time as a teenager I realized how bad uninspired sequels can be

It’s a terrible system. One of the worst jobs I had was monitoring alcohol offenders BEFORE their court dates. It was soul crushing, especially when people would beg and plead they were innocent, and they didn’t have the money for fees/ignition interlock etc, only to eventually show up with a dismissal after a year or

If you REALLY want to taste the greatest ketchup it’s the whataburger trademark ketchup. I’ve seen people do literal shots of it, and the spicy version made with red jalepenos is phenomenal! You can actually order it from their online store or if you’re in Texas, they sell bottles at the local HEB stores.

Call me crazy, but anyone else have future big shot Republican vibes from Shkreli? 

Last years 2022 Corolla hatchback.

Although I love Crown Vics, they aren’t nearly as fast as they feel. They’re basically the automotive equivalent of a veteran fullback in the nfl. Not the fastest, but basically a tank of a vehicle.

SS was my suggestion, it just looked like a regular Chevy people mover, but hearing it idle at the light was tooo sexy.