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    I gave in and bought it, even though I knew a 60$ GB game was not worth it today.. and I was right. I played for about 2 hours and I can’t stand it anymore. The adaptation to a bigger screen with better resolution (a “real console”) was a fine idea, but they made the gameplay SO SLUGGISH that it feels like dragging a

    Remaking an already perfect game for people that have never played it’s fine.. but at least add something decent for those that have already played it (and can still play it). These feel like a cash grab! Unlike the upcoming Final Fantasy 7 game, that is practically the same, but completely different. Those kinds of

    Even if free.. I don’t currently care about Nintendo Online.. specially not to go through several dumb steps to get it.

    Even if free.. I don’t currently care about Nintendo Online.. specially not to go through several dumb steps to get

    Click-bait QUEEN!

    Should? None.
    Could? Yes. Still, with digital age at hand, I see no reason to really purchase these.

    Should? None.
    Could? Yes. Still, with digital age at hand, I see no reason to really purchase these.

    That was some energetic and relatable reporting....

    Well... they could be better, or funny.. like, at all.

    “... and that’s all that it is

    UGGGGGGGGGH.. that guy saying “badaaaaass!” in the background.

    Mmm, it’s more Metal Gear than what I expected. Otherwise, it’s a delivery-man simulator game.. nothing really mind-blowing or world-changing mechanics as previously mentioned. These developers are good at creating/applying mechanics that are somewhat useless but interesting (packages + balance). Hopefully, there will

    Not anymore.

    The people that ask this question (oh, SO MANY times) don’t understand that (real) Speedrunners are not playing the game for the first time, and probably know more about it than someone who has finished it.

    From the 5 or so hours I played.. I’d say none at all.

    Is not really horrifying, unless you are shocked easily. But if you’ve seen Bloodborne, then you should be fine. It’s more striking than anything.

    Yes! Climbing things has been, by far, the worst part of this game.
    There is a specific boss when this is particularly annoying.

    I quite like it, don’t love it. Will probably finish it and forget about it. Not like Bloodborne, which feels repetitive at times (with the many times I’ve finished it), but I still love

    Been playing it, put it down for a bit, haven’t gone back to it during the entire day. That’s a bad sign!

    Bah, it looked good. But as with any cosplay up close.. it sucks.

    There have always been stupid pokemon design.. and there will always be present.

    Please, do change, Mike Fathey.

    These writers and their titles are getting worse by the day..
    First the “Stop telling me to drink the new tea Pokemon, NINTENDO”.. and now this.