
I too am a proud member of the “fuck running” community and can attest that the National Zoo here in DC is filled with runners, seemingly at all times.

I’d advocate paying NCAA athletes and then watch the world burn

Oh totally. I’m not defending Helwani by any means (sure, UFC treated him in an incredibly shitty and shady way in the last 72 hours but that’s no defense of his clearly being a PR/Hype guy for them in the past while claiming to be a journalist.) I’m just saying it’s laughable for an organization that either A.)

Yeah but UFC signing his checks makes their line about Helwani’s tactics extending “beyond the purpose of journalism,” all the more tone deaf and stupid.

“However, in our opinion, we believe the recurring tactics used by its lead reporter extended beyond the purpose of journalism.”

Oh fuck off you humorless troll

Because ignoring/not covering something has ever worked in making it just go away

Any surprise that Dana White is a Donald Trump supporter?

What makes you think this is anything like the incident in ‘94 and not a run-of-the-mill (so to speak) kidnapping of a famous athlete (or one of their family members?)

8th letter in the Alphabet is H. 88=HH=Heil Hitler in their (sad, warped, uneducated) minds

Don’t you mean “Hile”

Call it impact sports then and quit bitching about semantics

Not to mention that 2011 was the first time in Ichiro’s entire career (Japan and US) that he had more than 100 ABs and a BA of under .300

Great, now we’ve got Ichiro truthers on our hands

You say that like he started using the stuff in the 90's. Gwynn started dipping while he was in college in the early 80's when there weren't such warnings or widely known connections between tobacco use and cancer

Had the pleasure of going to school with and covering Carter Camper in college. Arguably the greatest player in the history of Miami (OH) Hockey. Just filthy stick handling ability.

Show me where I said that. I said you’re argument is non-sensical and juvenile. You said “26 year old drug dealer” has more “life experience” than Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump (not to mention all of the third party candidates out there like Jill Green.) That’s just fucking dumb. You sound like an

Oh dude, I agree. If the Merkel-ites could rally the troops the way the “totally not neo-nazis” are things could be very different.

Now playing

A 26 year old drug dealer or landscaper has more life experience than anyone running for president right now

+1 year of concussion testing