Sssssssuuuuurrrreeeeee, Blac Chyna will hurt Rob more than having Kris Jenner as a “mother” ever could.
Why does it feel that this is suddenly an issue? DFS has been around for years now, but it seems that it wasn’t until this football season that AG’s began giving them any thought.
According to the 12s this is all just a conspiracy led by fans bitter they can’t be as great of fans as they are
Wouldn’t he be against this?
Krispyrice Pourovers
“I won once. So it can’t be that racist.”is the new “It snowed here today, so Global Warming can’t be real/that bad”
Trump is a Hillary plant to make her seem more electable in a general election
Hate to break it to you, but the Cubs have done more to bolster their roster than any other team in MLB this offseason. If anyone is the on-paper best team in the NL it’s them. (Full transparency, I’m northsider)
I grew up outside of Chicago. I think I got maybe 6 snow days my entire pre-college life. Then I moved to SW Ohio, Sothern Virginia and evnetually DC. All three of those places act like they’ve never seen snow before every time it falls. That said, the level of emergency in a snow storm is directly correlated to two…
You forget our local government is superceded by the Feds, and we all know how they respond so timely to urgent situations.
Dear Sarah,
Yeah let’s blame Fisher & Barnes’ ex for his shitty behavior and inability to act like an adult. BTW, a man would move on with his life and not go beat up his ex’s new boyfriend.
And tell me where I said knowing a kid’s name is the ONLY thing that’s important to being a good parent? Again, quit being a dumbass.
And as Affluenza Teen has proven, neither does giving kids money. Don’t be a dumbass, knowing your kids names is absolutely a pet of being a good/responsible parent.
No judgement here—he pays his child support and isn’t a deadbeat.
Other than the fact that most people consider knowing your kids’ names to be a part of providing adequate care of them.
+1 for the user name
It helps when you make millions of dollars