
And it worked, it worked like red heels with yellow tights: you can't believe it ever would but then you see it and it's a thing of beauty.

Rand's ideas about giving charity to her fellow man (ie. don't) are horrifying. It didn't stop her collecting health benefits in later life though. She really is the pits.

I am probably one of the few who did like the Ikki subplot. High melodrama needs quiet moments to slow things down so it is not always a mad rush. Yes, usually they are comedy, but here the contrast between the two families was a wonderfully telling moment.

This episode was a triumph.
It's great when they can make a villain you truly hate. Had some hopes Unalaq would be a well-intentioned extremist (and he might still Have a Point), but I love how Korra called the old man out. Reminded me of Tywin Lannister, almost. Some bad guys fall apart and yell and reveal how

I thought the fourth book was the best.

horror is not scifi.

Now playing

Personally I prefer "degree of difficulty" and "creativity" over "accidentally resembles the character" or "boobs."

I'd favor The Last Unicorn if onlyfor the cool songs by the group America which were actually pretty good, but the Rankin/Bass animation style always annoyed me (our motto: no nose is too big!).

Let's add one more to an almost-perfect list...

Aw common.... if you are going to include parody villains. How about Doofenshmirtz?

Yeah, I said it.

Man, I'm a person who watches a lot of television and I have to say that these all sound atrocious, with the possible exception of Super Clyde, and even that's based mostly on my love for Stephen Fry and my interest in seeing Rupert Grint do something other than Harry Potter. The Selection and The Hundred in