
Mainly, they just want Twitter again, but without a megalomaniacal boss in charge.

#8 Plow them under and grow something tasty.

I got no skin in this game, but that response by VDC sounds rather Trumpy.

As stated elsewhere, Subway franchising SUCKS. They’ll sell a license to someone half a block from yours, without batting an eye. The poor suckers are literally feeding off themselves while corporate rakes in fees.


I wish Calbee would offer their potato sticks here directly. They’re consistently delightful.

I like it.

Of course! Prioritize actual need over frivolous use.

Agreed, if there’s one thing we could do with a shortage of, it’s sugar.


Wow. Any opportunity to inject more sugar into the American diet, eh?

You could also just shuck Oreos since it’s pretty much the same cookie.

Damn tempting. But Wawa rules the roost in Philly. 7-Eleven exists. However you can only find it in the fringes in most neighborhoods, if you’re lucky to find one at all.

Seeing as the non-virgin version uses no alchohol and is still referred to as a Bloody Mary, I think the crown is safe.

Not to mention, they also save a bit of fuel from the plane having a lighter load.

Bleah. Government cheese sandwich lunch flashbacks.

As long as he can be a Special Snowflake, Manchin will not switch. As a Dem, he get tons of attention for being contrary to his party all the time. Going GOP would just make him a nameless foot soldier.

The Baked Apple Pie is only iconic for displacing the beloved Fried Apple and Cherry pies.

Secret Of Evermore Remaster

Sad but true.