
But is it “fluffy”?

Dollar stores also charge more by selling smaller units at higher prices.

The “My uncle works at Nintendo” energy is stronk.

Look. You don’t go with Chef Boyardee for a flavor journey. You go with it because it’s affordable, quick and has the least chance of your kids turning their noses up at it.

Yeah I heard that as well... Musk defying his money faucet?

My dad loved those fruit seltzers, specifically the store brand from BJ’s Warehouse. They all taste like asprin to me.

Get them in the ring...

Looks like we get to see more of Daisy’s turf. That retainer and house were like flower buds and then there was that sign that basically said Flower Kingdom.

Hm. These definitely look like they’re worth a try. I do enjoy chorizo.

Who could have seen this coming?

Thank you for sticking to the facts and not embellishing.

Well, everything has a niche. As long as folks know what they’re getting into, it’s fine. 

Humans have a lot of good ideas for governance. The problem is they forget to account for humans.

“The frogurt is also cursed”

I try to watch B&R occasionally but I get as far as the museum scene when the hockey thugs skate in down the stairs as our heroes watch, whipping back and forth like they’re doing the twist.

They took toy stores from us. Never Forget.

Now this is a meme I can rally behind.

Hm. By this same trend, when will chicken prices come down?

Agreed. That pie is a salt bomb.

Bless. Godspeed you talented fellow!