
Yeah, cereal marshmallows never rehydrate properly.

Most beans are my no go. That mealy, sandy texture... ugh.

Oh, there is nothing quite like finding that one fast food location that makes their commercials seem like documentaries.

Ok... The savory granola bars have my attention. I’m a bit leery of that “proprietary binding process” description though...

There’s always Pétanque.

They found a McDonalds with WORKING ice cream machine? What black magic is this?

This is a definition of “adorable” I am unfamliar with.

I dunno... Gonna have to be a significant price difference for me to even give something other than popcorn a look.

Strange Worlds got pushed out the door with less fanfare than a greasy spoon putting out the garbage. It was lucky to make anything.

Part of the housing problem is speculators buying homes and then just renting or letting them sit fallow to drive up demand and costs.

Granted, but the Crow was often a visual signifier you made it through a level. It was a very welcome sight after some real nasty slogs in Dark Forces and DF2: Jedi Knight.

considering Gen Z is currently in the phase of their lives where they don’t command a high salary, are saddled with student loan debt, and can’t say no to a $1 margarita.

Godspeed, Moldy Crow. We hardly knew ye.

I liked the Angry Whopper, had some nice heat... Don’t recall the red variety though.

Pure facts.

Someone move this comment to the top.

Quietly surfs in Firefox...

Good to know. If i want spicy ketchup, I seek out Bear’s Breath.