
I will, thank you.

Toblerone also lent their name to the concrete anti-tank barriers deployed by the Swiss in WWII

Birdie Jay : It’s so dumb, it’s brilliant!

Call me when DQ bottles it’s Flamethrower sauce.

I’m guessing it’s considered cheating in a sense?

Dippin’ Dots are like the gastronomical realization of Pointillism. Instead of images, you get flavors.

Love my city, but the sports fans...

To be fair, Krispy’s filled doughtnuts do seem to be composed of two pastry shells fused together.

Talk about bottom round...

My dad was from Milwaukee but he never mentioned Long Johns. He did, however, absolutely love eclairs.


This smacks of that jackass who kept suing video game developers for using the word Edge.

Personally, I prefer to make my Spaghetti Western.

Important takeaway: Curd your enthusiasm.

Leftover candy? What is this myth?

Sell that in Philly. It’d take off like a rocket.

I haven’t had a good meat based chip since Snyders of Hanover’s Steak & Grilled Onion chips. Jealous.

Worst thing about Ocarina is the Water Temple. It’s just science.

I’ve had it before. It’s a salty pie, even without the rock salt on the crust. Plus that cheese sauce loses impact the more it cools. Not a fan.

My dad loved dates and figs. He’d fawn over Medjool when he could get them.