
Gonna miss the table service. They were always a solid choice for breakfast or lunch when I was travelling. 

Once had a particularly nasty buildup. Doctor had me spend a week softening up the mass and then flushed my ears with a pressured water tube. I could hear a pin drop two blocks away for almost a month.


Grogu coo’d so Andor could brood.

Lemme have my fun Star Wars timez. We’re getting more sturm und drang from Cassian & Co in due time.  

Like Medieval Times?

Granted. I still wouldn’t count out a Plan B, though.

I was never fully keen on them. Not every franchise or chracter translated well to that design. That said, I do love me some Star Wars Droid Pops. Not gonna pay $$$ for one though.

Depending on how much BS this new oversight board pulls, I wouldn’t put it past Disney to accelerate relocating the parks elsewhere. Odds are they have plans on hand due to how climate change will affect Florida specifically.

Doesn’t Alamo also have actual tables? Another item they’re overlooking.

I always enjoy the food when I get to visit, but they’re not in many places around here.

Herr’s are better than theirs.

Close the comments. No topping this.

Unless Pizza Huts widen their delivery radii, I don’t this impending lead lasting.

Yeah, this is spot on. You want everything close and easy to find, hit a 7-Eleven. Even then, you’ll have to trek past other stuff to get what you want.

I like physical when I can get it,  but bless my impatient butt for buying the digital edition on release...

The whole Titanic meals series is fascinating

There’s always one person or group who take things a bit too far and then a blanket policy comes down everyone’s head. 

High pop centers getting milked... Also what’s up with AZ/NM?

I’m guessing legalizing weed played a part. :)

One of the few places you can get packets of Tabasco regularly. It’s a solid B option.