
Nothing is certain in life except death and Martha Stewart brand collabs.

Epona is waiting for you...

When Iwas a child, my idea of a Steakhouse was the Rustler chain. Exteriors always looked like a movie set Western saloon.

And then, occcasionally, someone adds Pop Rocks to your drink.

Taster’s Choice did a storyline of sorts, back in 1992. Not nearly as riveting as Long Long Man.

Ugh. I’ve often thought that OW should make their OWL geared ruleset a separate game mode.

I feel your pain. A good part of my childhood involved gov’t cheese sandwiches and generic mac&cheese meals.

Fluffy meat”?

Magic Spoon is good stuff and will leave you feeling full well until lunch. I love the PB and Cocoa flavors.

Best comment here. Lock the reply button.

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

In this case, I meant hardened into a solid, not hardened into a jawbreaker.


Never seen the Tapatio variety. Which markets do they sell it in?

So the big sell is those lights on the back?

I mean at best, candy corn is a support player. Decorate a cake, maybe use it in a trail mix to offset some sour dried cranberries or similar. On it’s own, it’s just a hardened hunk of sugar syrup.

Unless there’s a difference in flavor to regular candy corn, I’m baffled at these standings as well.

I’ve never willingly partook of alcohol, never developed a taste for it. However, I’m all for expanding my options beyond soda, juice and water. I’ve been enjoying Monday Gin and Whiskey. It’s nice to have choices beyond glorified seltzer water and sugary fare.