
I think the last major innovations were the little plastic support and switching to corrugated cardboard. Not really sure what else can be done without increasing the cost per box.

$10. First and final offer. My nephew could use a place and I know he’d fix up.

Only now do I see I have punned against you all.

Is it me, or are a fair number of Takeout articles a bit salty lately?

I wasn’t aware that they eliminated bussers until now, but in retrospect I should have realized. Here’s hoping the new folk get a decent wage.

“How do you do, my fellow amigos?”

$57, 854? Sheesh, wages aren’t the only thing that hasn’t kept up with inflation.

More the pity. Sometimes, it’s nice if a game ENDS. Multiplayer has been a classic wag the dog scenario for so many games.

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Hm. You could salvage it by heating up some marinara for dipping. I’d recommend something like Newman’s Own Sockarooni sauce, which is chock full of bell pepper goodness.

There was a guy in my freshman year who would get five o’clock shadow by 9:30am.

Is there a list of winners anywhere? Curious if anyone I know won.

Is this the first real sign of the systemic breakdown we’ve been expecting?

Oh lord. yes. Extra Toasty is divine.

This is right and proper.

Kinda going back to its roots when you think about it...

Worldship is such a WTF moment... My opponent and I spent a good minute in disbelief when that popped at the start.

Talk about your circular firing squads..

The Raspberry flavor is nice too, albeit also orange shaped.