Biff Wonsley

Stalin had indeed been denounced by then, but that couldn't undo the effect the war had on the country. And it's not like everyone suddenly hated Uncle Joe just because his crybaby, murderous henchmen were trying to fool everyone into thinking they had nothing to do with Joe's crimes.

I assiduously avoid promos & spoilers of any kind. I like surprises. I also try to be oblivious to the credits, though oblivious doesn't seem like something you can try to be. Anyhoo, I wish discussion of "next week on" promos were not allowed here. Sometimes seems like people are more interested in discussing those

I watch & read the reviews. Not so prone to comment, though, as this kind of breezy show doesn't necessarily demand to be probed too deeply. I'm glad it's on & successful, because we need shows like this to leaven the more serious stuff. And as leavening, White Collar is, uh, nice & yeasty, or something. And Matt

…strike a grand bargain with Heracleo that could swiftly end Crassus’ nascent campaign.

I believe he also called someone a cad and a mountebank. Good day, sir.

It's a celeBeartion.

I think she learned her moves playing a cop partner to Damian Lewis in Life, which everyone should see if they haven't. Lasted 2 years, canceled before its time.

Agreed w/OP – fantastic episode. Welcome, Sarah Shahi, to POI. Please let her be a recurring character. She's perfect as a female Reese. Feels like the show took a gigantic step forward tonight, opening up a whole new world to explore. Brilliant.

Thanks for writing what I would have if I could write. Mr. D-N treats the features of the show as if they were bugs. Campy villains & quirky Felicity is what we expect. I'd prefer more Manu Bennet, but this isn't Spartacus, it's Arrow. Sure, the show criminally wastes guests, but I suppose we'll just have to accept

That's one of the most amusing things SNL has ever done. Watched it recently somewhere for old times sake. Jesus christ that was funny. Probably funnier if you remember the original.

Ha, you are, of course, correct. Don't know why I thought he was dead. I must be confusing him with the cop who did actually die. I think. Can't trust my own memory now. Hee haw.

I went overboard explaining why Liz is so hard core further up. The Soviet experience in WW2 explains it entirely. And so the little bits where she talked about her dad, while not giving much detail, is pretty much all that needs to be said if you know your Soviet history, which apparently they think the audience

They did actually run that shit nonstop. Also they said Brady was dead before he was dead, or at least before they admitted he was dead. It was so bad that by early evening my friends & I were already joking about how stupid it all was, pissing off the odd patriot overhearing our heresy. It was also funny how the

Yeah, Liz's dad was killed at Stalingrad helping expel the super evil Nazis from the USSR, which could only have happened with the heroic leadership of Comrade Stalin. It can't be overemphasized how much that brought our Soviet friends together, and how adored Stalin was & the loyalty his persona engendered. Pretty

It does have Poe-tential, pre-Poe-sterous as it is, but while it's far from Poe-fect, Poe-haps this evening's e-Poe-sode is a Poe-tent of better things to come. But with the stupid Poe-lice, the lawyer's reading of that really dumb Poe-m – so far it's mostly been televisual Poe-lution. Maybe it would be more Poe-pular

There's always Monday Mornings on TNT.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves & start planning for the future. I'd expect this show to follow a similar trajectory to The Killing. Goes nowhere, gives little away, alienates viewers, gets renewed anyway, people with a lick of sense stop watching. Unfortunately, I don't have a lick of sense.

There's really no need for Poe to be part of the show. Beside the fact that Poe is maybe scary to 12-year-olds, all the quoting & writing on walls is so silly & not even an attempt at putting a new wrinkle in a boring cliché. Better that they take some modern, really violently ghastly author who is then horrified that

Ah, Henry. The reason I gave up on that steaming pile of a show.

Yeah, it says we as a society like watching stories where people with guns blow away other people with guns, and also zombies. In any society, if people have access to deadly weapons, some significant minority of those people will use those weapons to kill other people, no matter what they watch on TV. Let's just be