Biff Wonsley

Anyone care to guess how in hell a couple with a baby have survived this long? That was some pretty random shit there on the bridge.

Zombies don't shoot back & they also don't hide. At least Maggie got to take out the guy on the tower (it was her, wasn't it?)

Agreed, loved this episode. Any episode that gives me that much Roger is more than ok in my book. The montage had us in stitches. Only thing missing was (Ricky Spanish,) unless I didn't recognize it. I don't give a shit about continuity in a show this consistently wacky. Roger being a dick is always a good idea for an

Surely there was a very big bus barreling down the…wait, that's trains. Anyway, there was mostly definitely a bus, and it mowed down Cary. I think he values personal relationships more than Alicia, and wouldn't have taken the offer. Regardless, they've got 4 unhappy 4th years at LG. We'd better get some good drama out

Cary better not now start a firm with Alicia. Not when that knife is so visibly sticking out of his back. Better Peter & Cary start their own firm & go after Alicia's clients. I'm firmly on Team Cary now. Alicia needs to be fed some just desserts.

I'm soooo disappointed in Alicia, stabbing Cary & co in the back like that. Cary deserves better than that (even if none of them really earned partner.) I hope he comes back at her with righteous fury. Way uncool, Alicia. Don't turn your back on Cary. Expect it when you least expect it.

Check Saturday's listings. They sometimes show repeats Sat nights.

Don't forget Carter plugging the assassin w/o hesitation.

Some pretty exciting developments on the horizon – Root getting involved again, Carter investigating Fusco, Hershinator on the rampage, the suitcase, and now apparently Sarah Shahi. Good times.

Yay, Life alumnus! And easy on the eyes.

To be fair, Ms. Maid did crack on the hotel manager for only hiring 2 bell boys/men. But yeah, seriously under-staffed. We only heard about one other maid, too. Maybe she was super hot, too, & this hotel is known for its hot maids.

Hersch seems to have taken Robert Patrick as Terminator for a role model, all the way down to the dead eyes.

He's not chubby. He's big-boned.

While there was some good banter tonight, which has been & should always be the scaffolding upon which the show is built, the two characters which initially drew me into the show are both still being unlikable assholes, and I'm slowly losing interest, as well as faith that the show will ever get back to what it does,

And whatever super wonderful things happen between Klaus & Caroline, it's not worth losing Tyler for. He & Caroline changed more over the course of the show (and for the better, satisfyingly so) than anyone else, and as much as Matt have been the moral center of the show (sure there's Elena, but she's so whiny.)

Yeah, I was totally nonplussed by Jeremy's "death" as I figured the ring will protect him. So TVD kind of failed here. I can't be the only person who missed out on the apparent gravity of the situation by assuming he'll wake up next week.

No love for Breakout Kings?

Goddammit. I was going to self-satisfyingly point that out, too. I don't feel very special now.

Rayna + Liam

Emotional, screechy hell beast. I like the way you say that.