Biff Wonsley

NYT ran a profile on Mrs. Coach a couple days ago, & the reporter was on set during the recording of the missed-her-cue scene. Apparently she'd almost fallen offstage just before & then retreated to her room to cry. Eric Stoltz decided that shooting the scene while Ms. Britton was still upset was the way to go. I have

I didn't have a problem with Chickie, it's just that I never bought her as a cop. Really the only character I've felt like that about on this show.

Jesus christ this show has an f load of commercial breaks. Only criticism I can even level at it, though.

Come on, now. The arc of the first 2 (3?) seasons leading up to Cooper's breakdown is fantastic & dark & riveting & everything a good tv show should be. This show has been excellent from the beginning, all the way back to that first episode with Sherman dropping that guy w/o hesitation.

I didn't really notice her acting, as her looks & attire made it entirely irrelevant. This show has some beautiful women (Amell's not bad, either) which makes it easy to overlook any deficiencies in the quality of acting . I watch to see Amell/The Hood kick some ass. Anything more is icing on the cake. Fortunately the

No love for Billy Spearmint?


Sweet, time-travel + KGB spies! This show keeps getting better & better.

Hear hear. Scapegoat is fantastic – great cast & Rhys is terrific.

Ha ha, please tell me someone else watched A Gifted Man. I hope they paid MM a lot of money for that so-bad-it's-well-it's-actually-pretty-bad show.

Well, squash is for real men, while racquetball is for pussies who need a big bouncy ball for…some poncey reason I was going to ridicule, but I can't think of one. Never mind. It's just that, you know, once you play squash, racquetball seems kind of silly.

I thought they'd just disappear her. That would leave the FBI scratching their heads. They'd pretty much know what happened, but never for sure. Her apparent OD adds quite a bit of menace to the equation.

I took it more as the KGB saying "fuck you" to the FBI & friends. "We'll do what we want on your turf & there's not a damn thing you can do about it." Except turn one of your civil servants. Who seemed a little too enthusiastic about helping Agent Creepy Smile.

No matter how loving baby Hitler's upbringing, he'd still be a shitty painter.

I believe that in Russia, Bumfuck ships you. Anyway, nicely claustrophobic scene in granny & grampa's tiny apartment.

More clever might have been more interesting, but Spy probably isn't the first thing you go to when your husband's acting weird.

I thought maybe he was mixing up some kind of cyanide gas solution to kill Mrs. Dead Guy with. Turned out it was just invisible ink visible-ifier.

Yeah, definitely an A for me. I was tense the whole episode, kind of like a good episode of Homeland, only without the HUGE NATIONAL STAKES involved. I much prefer the more personal conflict & drama of this show, and really love Gregory & the fact that he's a self-recruited KGB accomplice. Their extraction of Mrs.

I scoffed at the Trail of Tears comment myself but, having looked it up, it turns out the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail winds through 9 states, including Kentucky.

Ha, just looked to see – Emily VanCamp is 26, Ms. Levieva 33. Interesting. I suppose Jack can't do math, being working class and all.