Biff Wonsley

But…but, Emily doesn't cry! Which of course made it all the more affecting when she did. Poor Ems, some of her ice melted.

I agreed with you somewhere else here. Ricky Spanish is pretty much all that needs to be said in defense of this POV.

Episodes that focus on a Roger disguise are why I watch the show. Not a classic episode, but it hits me right in the sweet spot, or something.

People still watch commercials? Surely you can wait 15 minutes after it starts, then FF through them. Assuming you have a DVR. If not, you have my pity.

The writers are actually manatees with idea balls, borrowed from Family Guy, where they perfected their skills.

If you're correct, Watson may still assume Sherlock knows, & bring it up herself before he openly busts her. Either way, I hope we get some movement on this next week.

I feel the opposite, in that I struggled through the first 2-3 episodes of JLM yak yak yakking nonstop before I began to appreciate the quirks & posture & OCD & everything else he's put into making Sherlock into his own creation. Definitely worth getting into.

Surely we'll get clarity on Sherlock & Watson's lie next week. They can't just have him call Daddy & nothing happens.

Oh, so now The Mentalist isn't cool? Shame on you.

I'm not particularly bothered by the story, or by Hardman. Whatever, gotta have a story in there somewhere.

I'm guessing HR will eventually go after Carter, Fusco will save her, & they'll somehow pin the cop murders on one or more of the other dirty cops, probably a dead one.

You guys shut your mouths about Laurel! She's lovely & she really rocks a sweater. And she's a bit young for botox, isn't she?

Well, we were shown last week (?) that Ollie can kick ass w/o arrows so, you know.

CRIXUS!!!!! Manu Bennet has really grown as an actor over the course of Spartacus, and it's great to see him getting more work here. Love that man.

That sure was one crowded stage with all the extraneous dancers. Juliette was almost lost in all that. Do pop country acts really have that much going on on stage?

+1 for Liam. They sure ushered him off stage quickly. He & Rayna were great together. He needs to come back, so three men can fight over Mrs. Coach. Although I suppose Mr. Divorce dropping out means we wouldn't actually get a love square. Dammit.

Gunnar got 3 good, quick punches in, without lunging or exposing himself. Probably helps that he wasn't drunk, but it seems his bro taught him well.

Rhys recently played 2 guys who look exactly like each other (tho not related) in Scapegoat. He did it well enough, & here was 70s-ified so well that it took me most of the pilot to realize who he was. Reading the credits might have helped, I suppose. Turns out it was good practice for The Americans. Worth looking

I like the fact that V had no real idea who they were. That must have been really confusing. I'm looking forward to the Soviets discovering that they have a mole. Knowing what Reagan's cronies did while in office, I find myself rooting for the commies. Easier to do knowing we didn't all die in a hailstorm of ICBMs.

I'm unfamiliar with whatever he was affixing to her body which allowed him to manipulate her while in the rear entry position. Could someone enlighten me?