Biff Wonsley

They also die because they can't afford to pay for care. That didn't happen so much in the USSR. I hear they also had great psychiatric care, especially for political dissidents.

I thought she did that while on top of Phillip.

Pedantically speaking, I thought we were led to believe that Liz grew up a poor, fatherless daughter of a Stalingrad veteran, while Phillip may have tasted caviar now & again growing up. She said, as they were eating the roe, that her family could never afford it, which seemed to imply that his could.

She didn't look soft at Viola's apartment, glowering at V.

I had your comment in mind as I wrote, and apologize for my purloining. The stupid in this show hurts more than it amuses.

"Hey, a guy just poured gasoline on me! I'd better stand here & just, you know, see what happens next!"

The worse it gets the more I wonder how in hell Mr. Bacon thought using this show for his big entrance into television was a good idea. As talked about above, surely some quality cable drama ideas came across his desk. He already knows how to pretend he speaks Russian. Why not The Americans?

Surely Tom Clancy is Baltimore's most famous writer. Or maybe Baltimore's most best-sellingest author.

Oh, so now you're too good for Castle?

I'll watch KB do just about anything, but Poe? Really? Surely they could have used someone a little less hacky, rather than the 19th century's equivalent of a B-movie horror flick.

That's Major Crimes to you, mister.

Wife & I watched entire game + Beyoncé minus power outage delay in under 90 minutes. Thankfully there are almost exactly 30 seconds between each play in the NFL. So no suffering through Jim Blandtz & Phil Bluh nor even Ol' Horseyface. It helps to not like people especially much, parties even less. Yep, just waiting

Certainly some are, but the ruling class is small. Few women in any Roman city are of the Lucretia/Ilythia category. By all means, slaughter the nobility, but leave the non-slave-owning folk alone. But then I don't know what percentage of people owned slaves so, wipe them out. All of them.

Maybe so, but the actors do such a great job of selling it with a straight face. Does remind me of Glaber's wife, though. She made the peculiar locution seem natural as slangy English.

I fear a series based on Caeser might not provide the opportunity for the kind of violence we've come to expect & enjoy from Spartacus & friends. But then Mr. DeKnight has earned our trust so, I expect he won't let us down.

I suppose it was too much to ask of Spartacus that he ask his folk beforehand not to indiscriminately slaughter women & children. Or at least try. Then again, he'd probably see the futility in such a gesture.

What p.rock said. This show should never be very serious for very long. If Mike & Harvey aren't trading barbs & pop culture references, it ain't the same show I fell in love with. That's kind of its concrete base, and w/o it it's just another drama with hot women + Louis Litt.

There was a mention here last week about how killing Kol might amount to genocide, seeing as how his entire progeny would go up in flames as well. If Elena crew had any misgivings about the consequences of the deed, they hid them rather well in this episode.

Yeah, and/but why isn't her name Katherine Peters?

Wonderful thing about Reese & Bear was seeing how obviously happy & relieved Reese is to be alive. That's the most human he's ever been on the show.