Biff Wonsley

I miss Keen Eddie. And yes, Salmon is criminally underused. I can't imagine it'll stay that way, though.

I miss Keen Eddie. And yes, Salmon is criminally underused. I can't imagine it'll stay that way, though.

I'm afraid they're going to use the campaign to keep Rayna in town rather than on tour. I hope not, but otherwise yes, it just doesn't belong.

I'm afraid they're going to use the campaign to keep Rayna in town rather than on tour. I hope not, but otherwise yes, it just doesn't belong.

Deacon doing it with the cheerleader just feels statutory rapey, though I suppose HP must be in her early 20s. Hard to guess ages when they're less than half yours.

Deacon doing it with the cheerleader just feels statutory rapey, though I suppose HP must be in her early 20s. Hard to guess ages when they're less than half yours.

Yes, even if they were adorable, especially with the younger one keeping time with boot & clap. Maybe more disturbing was Rayna not having a problem with it.

Yes, even if they were adorable, especially with the younger one keeping time with boot & clap. Maybe more disturbing was Rayna not having a problem with it.

More than Arrow?

More than Arrow?

Has there ever been a more random quote on TV than "I don't like horses. They look confused."?

Has there ever been a more random quote on TV than "I don't like horses. They look confused."?

Speaking of, an Observer showed up on Arrow last night as a Russian gangster. It was weird hearing him talk like a human.

Speaking of, an Observer showed up on Arrow last night as a Russian gangster. It was weird hearing him talk like a human.

Hicks certainly is pretty. I'd cuddle with him. He should've been named Rube Goldberg, since that's basically his power, creating a RG machine out of whatever's available at the moment.

Hicks certainly is pretty. I'd cuddle with him. He should've been named Rube Goldberg, since that's basically his power, creating a RG machine out of whatever's available at the moment.

Oh, Millennium! That was such an extraordinary season finale, then they go & scale it back into a nothing event. That was just criminal, doing that after such a remarkable season. Lara Means, what became of you?

Oh, Millennium! That was such an extraordinary season finale, then they go & scale it back into a nothing event. That was just criminal, doing that after such a remarkable season. Lara Means, what became of you?

I hope someone has posted a video of every Gary-ism on YouTube. I love Gary. The show must return even if, or even especially if, it's just The Gary Show.

I hope someone has posted a video of every Gary-ism on YouTube. I love Gary. The show must return even if, or even especially if, it's just The Gary Show.