Biff Wonsley

Thank you for saying, much more eloquently, what I was thinking, InActionMan. This thing's all over the place. There's too much going on, the other couple were absent this week (not that they were missed) & Nona is pointless without more information about who she is, the suitcase is annoying, not creepy and, as said

Thank you for saying, much more eloquently, what I was thinking, InActionMan. This thing's all over the place. There's too much going on, the other couple were absent this week (not that they were missed) & Nona is pointless without more information about who she is, the suitcase is annoying, not creepy and, as said

I miss Reaper.

I miss Reaper.

Gary's one of our home's favorite characters. One of the coolest things about Gary is how super-annoying he was at first, then quickly developed his unique personality, without ever making me cringe. Sounds like a low bar, but as we all know, in practice it's a high one indeed.

Gary's one of our home's favorite characters. One of the coolest things about Gary is how super-annoying he was at first, then quickly developed his unique personality, without ever making me cringe. Sounds like a low bar, but as we all know, in practice it's a high one indeed.

My wife made the case for Kara trying to hide Em/Am from somebody, rather than drowning her. Not sure how well she made the case, or if there's even any room for doubt but, there, I said it.

My wife made the case for Kara trying to hide Em/Am from somebody, rather than drowning her. Not sure how well she made the case, or if there's even any room for doubt but, there, I said it.

Why does it matter if they are bitten? If they all carry the virus, being scratched or bitten isn't going to infect them. They just need to not die. Obviously, I haven't paid close attention to the show, but this bothered me last week, and again today.

Why does it matter if they are bitten? If they all carry the virus, being scratched or bitten isn't going to infect them. They just need to not die. Obviously, I haven't paid close attention to the show, but this bothered me last week, and again today.

3 presses of the FF 30 seconds button, one press of the back ~7 seconds button & you've skipped the opening sequence. Unless you're watching live, in which case I don't understand you & your generation.

3 presses of the FF 30 seconds button, one press of the back ~7 seconds button & you've skipped the opening sequence. Unless you're watching live, in which case I don't understand you & your generation.

I'm with you, HRN. I find myself rooting for Brody. It's a tv show so I don't feel bad about it. Carrie's vindictive & self-righteous & extremely annoying. Saul & Estes only put up with her because she's really good at her job. And now she's gone & fucked them both, again, after they stupidly trusted her again.

I'm with you, HRN. I find myself rooting for Brody. It's a tv show so I don't feel bad about it. Carrie's vindictive & self-righteous & extremely annoying. Saul & Estes only put up with her because she's really good at her job. And now she's gone & fucked them both, again, after they stupidly trusted her again.

Not that it matters, given the leeway in the Patriot Act, but has Brody actually done anything illegal yet, at least something that can be proved? He recorded his explanation speech, which isn't illegal, but they don't have anything else on him. "Plotting to commit a terrorist act" works for your average anonymous

Not that it matters, given the leeway in the Patriot Act, but has Brody actually done anything illegal yet, at least something that can be proved? He recorded his explanation speech, which isn't illegal, but they don't have anything else on him. "Plotting to commit a terrorist act" works for your average anonymous

Shane West has one of the best voices in TV. I could listen to him rasp all night long. He should get into the voiceover business.

Shane West has one of the best voices in TV. I could listen to him rasp all night long. He should get into the voiceover business.

Charlie Jade!

Charlie Jade!