Biff Wonsley

To be charitable, nothing could've topped the church scene with Corky & Franny. I couldn't believe this series, which seemed rather insubstantial in its early episodes, could have built to such a powerful climax. The confrontation really should've ended the episode.

To be charitable, nothing could've topped the church scene with Corky & Franny. I couldn't believe this series, which seemed rather insubstantial in its early episodes, could have built to such a powerful climax. The confrontation really should've ended the episode.

I don't want to go overboard, but this episode was creating Homeland-levels of tension for me. The torture scenes were so well done, you could see just how far gone Hicks & Rosen are after Dani's death. I couldn't help myself sympathizing with them & then really hate Rachel for being such a pussy.

I don't want to go overboard, but this episode was creating Homeland-levels of tension for me. The torture scenes were so well done, you could see just how far gone Hicks & Rosen are after Dani's death. I couldn't help myself sympathizing with them & then really hate Rachel for being such a pussy.

Yeah, but how could you kill Parish anyway? You'd have to lop off his head, then permanently separate it from his body. Maybe throw the head in the Atlantic, the body in the Pacific. His ability makes him a recurring villain you can't get rid of.

Yeah, but how could you kill Parish anyway? You'd have to lop off his head, then permanently separate it from his body. Maybe throw the head in the Atlantic, the body in the Pacific. His ability makes him a recurring villain you can't get rid of.

Now that's the Castle I know & love. Ryan was superb, but then they all were. More of this please.

Now that's the Castle I know & love. Ryan was superb, but then they all were. More of this please.

You are not alone. Jess is more upset about potential embarrassment than the well-being of her obviously disturbed husband. The possibility of her husband being VP has gone to her head, as has all the attention she's receiving for something her husband did, not her. Selfish & shallow I'd call her.

You are not alone. Jess is more upset about potential embarrassment than the well-being of her obviously disturbed husband. The possibility of her husband being VP has gone to her head, as has all the attention she's receiving for something her husband did, not her. Selfish & shallow I'd call her.

Your mood swings could be indicative of a larger problem, Uncle Jimmy. Looks like you picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.

Your mood swings could be indicative of a larger problem, Uncle Jimmy. Looks like you picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.

I agree, sir or madam. I am failing to understand some people's frustration with the show's lack of perfect verisimilitude, or why anyone would expect it anyway. The premise of the show should've been a rather convincing hint that the show would have a somewhat tenuous relationship with reality.

I agree, sir or madam. I am failing to understand some people's frustration with the show's lack of perfect verisimilitude, or why anyone would expect it anyway. The premise of the show should've been a rather convincing hint that the show would have a somewhat tenuous relationship with reality.

Indeed. She pretty much can't do anything else, lest he be caught & she be forever branded Wife of a Terrorist. Seems like she'd do just about anything to avoid embarrassment anyway, she's such a shallow character. Sure, she's hurt that Brody lied to her, but half of her annoyance seems to stem from how all this would

Indeed. She pretty much can't do anything else, lest he be caught & she be forever branded Wife of a Terrorist. Seems like she'd do just about anything to avoid embarrassment anyway, she's such a shallow character. Sure, she's hurt that Brody lied to her, but half of her annoyance seems to stem from how all this would

And here's me thinking it's because he's a ginger. Gingervitus cannot be cured.

And here's me thinking it's because he's a ginger. Gingervitus cannot be cured.

All tv serieseses everywhere on every network show previews, both after each episode & randomly throughout the week. As tv addicts we should by now have learned to avoid them, much like an alcoholic learns to avoid public houses & other establishments which serve the devil's nectar.

All tv serieseses everywhere on every network show previews, both after each episode & randomly throughout the week. As tv addicts we should by now have learned to avoid them, much like an alcoholic learns to avoid public houses & other establishments which serve the devil's nectar.