
I wonder if one of the lives viewed will be just someone sequestered at home doing nothing but playing video games and binge watching old tv series?

Everyone does realize that Stormfront (aka Mrs. Vought) owns/runs Vought, right? She inherited the company (most likely in 1979), and built it up Gordon Gecko-style through the 80's and 90's. Stan Edgar works for her, not the other way around.

Um, I thought Raised By Wolves was Ridley Scott’s take on Alien without the Alien? Granted, he just appropriated someone else’s story to get there, but what I’ve been watching (for all intents and purposes) looks like another Prometheus.

Jesus! I saw the title and my heart sank! For a brief moment, I thought Tom Savini had died. 

Seven billion tickets..... So, anything from the middle shelf.

Seems like an acknowledgement that the whole “reboot” thing had exhausted itself. 

Yeah, no thanks. I don’t watch anything CBS has to offer for free, so why would I pay to watch their drek?

Never had that dream. My face covering hangs by the door next to my keys, and it hangs around my neck if I’m not wearing it (ie. driving, etc.). It’s just a matter of making it another accessory that you don’t leave the house without, like pants. 

My mask dream is that everyone would just fucking wear one.

Ew gross 

Agreed. This year has sucked shit on so many levels. This is one more thing to add to the tower of shit that is 2020.

Fuck you 2020.

Why not use EL Wire in a clear plastic tube? You get the same effect without the worry of a busted light, or an exposed wire running along the length of the light that you then have to cover up. 

P. A. S. S. spells “pass”.

Affleck was the bomb in that movie.

Really liked the first episode. That it doesn’t shy away from the ugliness and monstrosity of racism to the point of it feeling as horrific as the Lovecraftian monsters chasing them was well done and balanced. You feel that dread and fear going into every unknown little town with this trio. 

Seems more like Unbreakable except with a group. She’s even wearing the security shirt (David wears a security jacket). 

Thanks for showing me more useless crap I want to buy! Damn you, lack of willpower!

Thanks for showing me more useless crap I want to buy! Damn you, lack of willpower!

Throw in a zombie Hasselhoff (which is now just regular Hasselhoff), and you’ve got a deal.