Severe Porpoising


“Buried neck deep in hippo shit” is the best thing I’ve ever read.

Finebaum would still have cried fowl

To quote Bomani Jones:

Kaepernick should have performed an armed takeover of a bird sanctuary. The only acceptable form of protest.

I actually agree with DKC2, but maybe that's just because I grew up with it. Chrono Trigger is right up there, even though I didn't play it until the DS version came out.

Ursa-cha dork

Haha! The nerdiness continues - I just ordered a copy of the book! Now if ya’ll will excuse me, I have to go to the shop and continue my restoration of a small locomotive from the early 1900s. Guess what type of valve gear it has...

Just fair warning, plenty of people hate the book. It is deeply, deeply technical. The author gives no consideration to the fact that you may not know all the technical names of the components of a steam locomotive. It doesn’t really walk you in to the subject matter either; it simply dives right in. I kept Google

Interesting... that is one book I don’t have in the library. I’ll keep an eye out for a copy. Probably my favorite book on steam locomotive development is John H. White Jr.’s “American Locomotives, An Engineering History, 1830-1880". McShane’s “Classic American Locomotives” is a good reference, too.

Not sure if you’ve read it, but I really enjoyed this book. It was given to my by my wife’s late grandfather.

And a tip-of-the-hat to you sir, for recognizing that it had Stephenson valve gear as opposed to those Johnny-come-lately valve gears such as Walschaert’s or Baker. You are obviously a gentleman of education and fine taste...

I’m not sure it gets any more authoritative than this, folks.

I concur.

Looks like Stephenson valve gear. Anyone else agree?

I swear to god, I can’t even go outside without some young millennial man running up to me and asking me to open a jar for him. I spend all day opening jars. Jesus, get off me! I’m trying to rent an auger!

The limp hand handshake is the worst. I learned, at a young age, that when you go to shake hands you go strong. Around age 9 or 10 I met this colonel from Kentucky (not Sanders) and when I went to shake his hand mine was completely engulfed and crushed. I swore, from that day on, that I would not longer get my hand

As a millenial who takes pride in his handshake, there is nothing worse than a dead fish hand shake.

Millenials: Shake hands like a damn man. The next time I have to grab some limp-ass fish hand I’m going to just make you bow before me like the peasant you are with your puke grip.

That white Comanche - Just - YES!